BASSATINE NEWS the ONLY Jewish newsletter reporting directly from Egypt |
A Community Chronicle put out by the Jewish Community Council (JCC) of Cairo since 1995 |
Date April 16, 2013, 05:24 pm
Name Ruth nee Goldstein
Email cairoruth@hotmail.com
last address in Egypt Heliopolis
present address Los Angeles
Left in 1952 and my parents left in 1957. Like others, we are scattered to various countries: UK, France/Israel, and USA. Went to Le Lycee Francais de Heliopolis. We were members of Heliopolis Sporting Club. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me.
Together with my wife, Barbara, I was posted in Cairo from February-April 1999 as an IESC(USAID) volunteer executive assigned to South Sinai Travel.
The highlight of our stay was a seder at the residence of the Israel Ambassador where wwe met Mrs Carmen Weinstein and other members of the Jewish community. The following day, we joined them for lunch at the Adly Street Synagogue. Experiences we shall never forget!
We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Mrs Weinstein and to the Jewish community of Cairo on the passing of a wonderful, brave woman. She will be missed not only in Egypt but throughout the world. May her memory be for a blessing.
Allah Yerhamek Ya Carmen
I recently came across this site which took me back to my childhood. I was born in Cairo Jan 31, 1943. My father was a Russian (Charles) whose father and siblings escaped the Bolsheviks and settled in Cairo in the late 1920's. My mother (Vicky Hara) was born in Tanta. Her brothers lived in Alexandria. I first went to College de la Sainte Famille and later to English Mission College. We were expelled from Egypt in 1952 and lived in Paris for a year. From there we immigrated to Montreal where I lived my life. Three years ago a few months prior to the "Revolution", my wife Claudine ( also born in Egypt) raised in Israel, and I visited Cairo and Alexandria each for a day as we were on a cruise ship. It was my first time back since 1952 and it brought tears to my eyes. Anyone who may have known my parents, please contact me.
J'essaie de retrouver des ami de ma jeunesse a Alexandrie
present address Newport RI USA
Attended Moise Cattaoui Pacha School Daher 1937-1947.Looking for Azoulai,Tantawi, Kodsi, Michaali, Peron, Choueka and others.
I wrote in 2011 searching for Racheline Israel, I found her but I have given a wrong e.mail address can you please correct it...I will be glad to get back on track and reunited with my old friends and neighbours from zamalek cairo egypt...Looking for Sally Chammas who left in 1956 to Sao Paulo, Nessia Mitchnick, David Mitchnik. Claudine 7 Guy Leoble. from camboni street........
It is wonderful to view all the warm memories that this site has generated amongst the Egyptian populace
present address Paris France
Shana Tova Mrs Weinstein and thank you for what you do to preserve our identity.
I was delighted to discover this page and actually read a note from writer Lucette Lagnado! I was born in Cairo Jan 6, 1949 and emigrated to Venezuela via Italy in 1958. I was astonished to find out there is still a community in Cairo. Shana tovah to all
So interested to read more about your synagogue and families. So glad one of my true friends sent this link to me. Happy and Healthy New Year to all.
shaba tovah imetuka
Happy to find
So many memorirs
Despite old age, 72 already this year, memories are still alive. Ecole Jabes, Lycée Francais d'Alexandrie... old friends, where are you today ? love to you wherever you may be.
Does anyone recollect any of my extended family called Shama who lived at 41 Rue Aly El Leisse, Alexandria during the 1940s. There was Ida, Ginette and her baby son, Reginald Isaac who was born at International Maternity Hospital, Alexandria on 16th December 1946.
I would love to hear from anyone who knew them.
Kindest regards
Would relish the chance to connect WITH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING FRINEDS
I wish to find old friends of the Tewfick Tennis Club. I left Egypt end lof 1957. I am now living in Brazil. Would like also to find friends from school. I studied at Alvernia English Convent School. up to 1950, the whent to The Franciscaine in Mazpero street up to 1956. Hope I can still find someone still alive.
my name is erik (leon) braha, my parents were born in cairo . my mother name is victoria braha ( born wahba 1922), my father name was albert braha born 1916. any help in having info about my family will be great
Comments: Coming across the Bassatine Newsletter was very exciting. My mother Rachel, sister Doris and I came to Cairo in 1936, after the death of my father Leon in Wisconsin. We lived not far from the synagogue on Adly Street. We lived in Egypt to be near our father's family, the Mizrahis and my mother's, the Banouns. We returned to the USA in 1945 when sea travel was relatively safe from U-boats. I am searching for fellow-students Valentin and Svetlana Kassessinoff, who left Egypt and moved to England around that time. Svetlana studied ballet at the Legat School in Tunbridge Wells. I am also looking for cousins Marc, Raymonde and Mireille Banoun, who emigrated to Israel from Cairo with their parents Nathan and Marguerite in the late 50's or early 60's. If anyone knows the whereabouts of either these family members or friends, I would be very grateful to hear from them.
Thank you.
My Name is Bernard Perlman born in Egypt on 06/07/1949 , my father was Henry Perlman. My mother Nelly Vella. Parents' passed away when was a Kid and could not trace any info. The few note that I remember are - that as my father was born in Alexandria, my Grand Pa Name Bernard Perlman was a Rabbi in Alex he was married with Makala Greenberg, an Uncle was David Perlman who left to USA. Please help me to collect as much as possible about my ancestry... any doc. pics ... any details or note available will be very much appreciated Many thanks in advance for your kind help.
B.Perlman Italy
Love the site.
It is fascinating to read all these snippets of lives in the Levant. My father, Isaac, was born in Cairo in 1935. He has two sisters, Clara and Esther. His parents were Nessim and Fortunée Skinazi--all quite popular
Names for Egyptian Jews, as far as I can tell. My grandparents were married at Temple Hanan (Daher) in 1929. I know little else, though I visited my father's area when I went to Egypt in 1995. I have read Lucette Lagnado's first memoir, and I am reading André Aciman's at present. Any other recommendations for reading about this time/place would be welcomed! Best, Karen
It is not shame to me that my family was egyptian jewish , I spent few yaers studying in "Goutte de lait" Jewish school in Suliman Pasha street in cairo.
I pray that within my lifetime I will see Egypt restored with its Jewish population. They should have never left. Love must be the way of life between all religions. that is how I was raised.
Searching for information concerning Ginette Shama (born 22 Oct 1917 at Alexandria) who married Frederick Charles Rounsley at St. Mark's Church in 1944. Ginette gave birth to a son, Reginald Isaac Rounsley in 1946. Any information would be so much appreciated. Kind regards from Sue
Attended les religieuses franciscaines school and would like to get in touch with anyone who went to this school (rue Kasr El Nil) and graduated in 1957-1958
Je cherche à contacter des camarades, garçons et filles qui on quitté l'Egypte en 1949 pour la France en direction d'Israel. Voici quelques points de repère:
-Groupe de jeunes: Hehaloutz anciens, Maccabi,le Caire, Alexandrie.
-Depart d'Alexandrie Novembre 1949
-Séjour Villa Gaby Marseiiles, Draguignan (?)
-Aliya Kibboutz Afikim (1950)
Isaac Rosenbloom
Impatient de renouveller contact
Visiting Cairo this Passover. Please advise of any info regarding a seder. Todah Rabah
I visited Ben Ezra synagogue and was very emotional to be in this very old synagogue. It is hard to believe that there was once a strong jewish presence in Cairo. I also tried to visit Shar Hashamayim in Addly street but was unable because the police wanted to see my passport which was at the hotel. I am proud of the work done by the remaining Jewish brothers in Egypt to restore the glory of the faith. Baruch Hashem le'kullam.
j'etais au lycee Franco-Egyptien de 1939 a 1951 recherche: Arlette Dana, Therese Wiett autres copines qui etaient chez les Eclaireuses au camp d'Heliopolis. Amities.
I am the grandson of Guido Carmona,the architect in egypt. My father was Jean Pierre A Carmona. I just wanted to say that I liked your site and have learned more about family history. My grand mothers sister (Emma Argi) was Denice Argi.
My wife and me were very blessed to visit your famous Synagogue. Unfortunately you didn't give me right to make pictures for my newspaper inside the Synagogue.
Sincerely yours
Senior Writer of "Jewish Word" - Jewish newspaper in Russian, New York (www.evreimir.com)
born across from the Mazarita Cemetery in the 1950
Comments: Born in the 1950s across from Mazarita Cemetery. Travelled across Europe and settled in Canada. I have a collection of old photos with
Names from the British Boys school to the Lycee Lunion Juive , Jewish School at Moharram Bey, to Ecole Aghion 1940-1950. Contact me if u wish to see the names and photos.
Looking for Yorgho who was working in a garage near Cinema Rivoli
J'etais au College De La Salle Daher, classe de 1970. J'ai quitte' l'Egypte en 1980 pour La Californie. J'aimerais etre en contact avec les amis d'enfance.
left egypt 1971
I congratulate you for your outstanding effort in helping all of us who still cherish the memories of our past childhood in beautiful Egypt
Hello, I am looking for anyone who may remember my father's family - The Haski and Poppel families - from Heliopolis. Most of them left around 1948 and went to Israel, Italy and Australia. I will be in Cairo at the beginning of October and hope to trace more information about them. Many thanks
I visited your website and found it very interesting and fascinating. What a shame that the harmony that once existed in Egypt was disrupted by a senseless and uneducated group of people in 1956! My late father Kamel Badawi, partnered with Haim Dorra in creating the first Cast Iron Factory in the Middle-East. The factory which was located in Alexandria was nationalized in 1963 and was run into the ground since and fnally demolished!
My brother's engineering school colleague (in Alexandria, Egypt),
Namely Victor Pracha, left Egypt with his family in 1956/57 when he was only one year away from his graduation! Before leaving Egypt, Victor lived with his family in Alexandria. My brother, Wagih Badawi, would be delighted to reconnect with Victor (whom I hope is alive and well). Victor would be around 75 years old.
In the Roushdy district where I grew up, the Ismailoun family were our neighbors and friends. Paul Ismailoun was 2 years my senior and he left Egypt in the early 60's and I would love to get in touch with him after all these years!
Best regards,
P.S. It was great to see that my uncle's
Name (Abdel Hamid Badawi Pasha) was listed in the people who sent messages of condolences to Grand Rabbi Haim Nahum following the death of his daughter Marcelle - See Bassatine News Issue No. 11.
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C O N T A C TJewish Community Council (JCC) of Cairo# 13 Sabil El Khazindar Street Midan al-Geish, Abbassia, Cairo Egypt
tel: +20 2 2482-4613 - tel/fax +20 2 2736-9639 |
open daily 10:00 to 15:00 Friday 10:00 to 17:00 Sunday closed
Ben Ezra Synagogue in Fostat (Old Cairo) For visits to other Cairo synagogues or Bassatine Cemetery contact JCC
please note the Jewish Community Council of Alexandria is an independent entity separate from the Jewish Community Council of Cairo