BASSATINE NEWS the ONLY Jewish newsletter reporting directly from Egypt |
A Community Chronicle put out by the Jewish Community Council (JCC) of Cairo since 1995 |
Name:Jacqueline Myr/Miller
Last address in Egypt:Bab El Louk
Present address:Massachusetts USA
Comments:Jai ete bien contente de trouver cette Web Site. Jai fait mes etudes au Lycee Francais Du Caire, et jai quitte l'Egypte pour les Etats Unis en 1963. J'aimerai retrouver des copines qui ont fais leur etudes les memes annees.
Name:emile salem
Last address in Egypt:heliopolis
Present address:ramat gan, israel
Date:28 12 2006
email address:emilio41@walla.com
Comments:Would enjoy to meet old friends from lycee Franco Egyptien, Heliopolis. We left Egypt in 1957. Where are Nisso Pinto & Henri Eastman? If other friends would recognize me or someone from family Salem or Menasce please contact me.
Last address in Egypt:Alexendrie
Present address:Belgium
email address:mbialobos@teledisnet.be
Comments:My father Victor Bialobos was born in Alexendria in January 1906.
Last address in Egypt:Cairo
Present address:Sydney, Australia
Date:16 December 2006
email address:mogadon@bigpond.com
Comments:Updating my personal information. I am the daughter of Maky Goldring and Nini Maravente. I was born in Cairo in 1938, left for NZ in 1948. I have a brother Fred. I went to Albernia Convent School, Zamalek. My mothers only sibling was a sister, Elsa.
Name:Albert Serour
Last address in Egypt:1950
Present address:907 Laramie
email address:sheilaervin1@msn.com
Comments:Married to Rachel Chaki from Alexandria, Egypt. Left for France when Nasser took power. Looking for relatives or friends.
Name:Samy Goldstein
Last address in Egypt:Avenue Fouad
Present address:France
Date:dec 5,2006
email address:samygoldstein@orange.com
Comments:born in Cairo 1938 looking for friends from Tewfikieh Tennis Club, Zamalek.
Name:Janine Silberstein
Last address in Egypt:Soliman Pasha Cairo
Present address:UK
Date:2 December 2006
email address:eugenie1912@yahoo.o.uk
Comments:My Grandparents both lived in Cairo until 1956 when they came to the UK. My Grandfather was Joseph Silberstein (father Moses Silberstein)and my grandmother was Eugenie (nee Nassman) Her parents were Fortunee and Henry Nassman.
Name:Joseph Aboba
Last address in Egypt:28 Hishmet Street, Zamalek,Cairo
Present address:8407 Mooring Circle, Boynton Beach,FL 33437
Date:December 1,2006
email address:Joearlin@aol.com
Comments:Left Cairo, with my Brooklyn-born wife Evelyn, two weeks before the 1956 war. Am 88 and still riding my bike and enjoying life in Florida. Speak French, Italian but hardly any Arabic (Lycee Francais Cairo,1937). Would like to contact Egyptian born Americans.
Name:avraham Heiman
Last address in Egypt:Haret el Yahud
Present address:Jerusalem
email address:avrahmha@court.gov.il
Comments:i am looking for the sources of the Heiman family from egypt. any information will be welcomed.
Name:Albert Harari
Last address in Egypt:Helwan
Present address:Even Yehuda Israel
email address:aharari@pobox.com
Comments:Went to the Lycee Francais at Maadi....my sisters are Lydia and Mireille.... would appreciate any contact
Name:Khordoc, Samir-Georges
Last address in Egypt:Le Caire
Present address:Ottawa, Canada
Date:6 sept. 2006
email address:skhordoc@rogers.com
Comments:Nostalgie? Souvenirs? Amitiés de jeunesse écourtées par les événements. Bref, jai trouvé ce site tout à fait par hasard( en cherchant César Adès). Super! Jattends des nouvelles de mes camarades du Collège de La Salle, promotion 1958.
Name:Maryse Cassis
Last address in Egypt:33 Abdel Khalek Sarwat
Present address:Austria Vienna
Date:5 October 2006
email address:maryse.cassis@utanet.at
Comments:je cherche mes amies de lécole Franciscaines à Kasr el Nil:Nicole et sa soeur Monique Harari, ont quitté le Caire en 1967 ?vers la France. Carmen Menasse:en 1976 ? serai très heureuse davoir de vos nouvelles ou au moins qui sait où vous êtes? Am still looking for my school friends Nicole and Monique Harari who left Egypt 1967. Ill be very greatful if somebody knows where they are! And Carmen Menace. Left 1976. Thanks!
Last address in Egypt:Gohar
Present address:Lipsky 23 Tel Aviv
email address:nzohar1@bezeqint.net
Comments:Was born in Alex, attended St Andrews Scottish school from 1942 - 1950. Last address in Alex 10 Bombay Castle st. (Behind the Cecile Hotel)
Name:David Yahia Mayer
Last address in Egypt:sharia el gezira el wasta Zamalek
Present address:Melbourne Australia
Date:4 October 2006
email address:glendave@aapt.net.au
Comments:As we grow old nostalgia catches up with us. Avec le passage des annees, la nostalgie nous rattrape. This internet site plays its part. Ce site internet joue son role
Name:Josette nee Cohen
Last address in Egypt:rue 12 no.39 Maadi
Present address:Ullapool, Scotland
Date:3 Oct. 2006
email address:josy@btinternet.com
Comments:Would love to hear from ex Lycee Francais du Caire up to 1956, friends from the Maadi Sporting Club. Left in 1956 for the Israel, USA and now UK
Name:Mike Bianco
Last address in Egypt:None
Present address:USA
email address:Bianco613@comcast.net
Comments:Related? I have a family tree for the Biancos. This family name is Jewish and most are Cohens. Stories vary, but we show that Joseph Weiss was the son of Rabbi Weiss from Bialystok Province. The name was changed to Bianco and we have relatives all over th
Name:Grace Rachelle Cattaui
Last address in Egypt:
Present address:1672 NW 36 Court Oakland Park, FL 33309
Date:Sept. 23, 2006
email address:garnieg1@bellsouth.net
Comments:I am the daughter of Andre Aslan Cattaui, diplomat and Minister of Tourism for Egypt, during the 1930s. Are there any living members of the Cattaui family anywhere? I would appreciate any information about my family. My father died in 1947.
Name:Jo Gostin Nee Bassat
Last address in Egypt:Cairo
Present address:Melbourne Australia
email address:jo19@bigpond.com
Comments:Would love to have my parents marriage certificate - married in Cairo Bassat/BenMayor
Last address in Egypt:Heliop
Present address:UAE
email address:
Hi!I`m an egyptian canadian musilm.I have jewish relatives.Plz any relatives of laila mourad contact me.I adore this singer crazily although i`m 24!I`m curious to know personal stuff about her and her family.
Last address in Egypt:
Rue Safia Zaghloul Alexandrie
Present address:
Begles (proche de Bordeaux)
email address:cori@labri.u-bordeaux.fr
Comments:Nous avons quitte Alexandrie en 1956
Name:Linda Hoernke
Last address in Egypt:
Present address:Utah, USA
email address:
Comments:I ran across your website while searching for my mothers ancestry. I noticed the name Toriel. My grandmother was born in Alexandria and her maiden name was Germaine Toriel and her father was Nessim Toriel. I have not been able to find any other informatio
Name:Jenny Benzakein nee Lewis
Last address in Egypt:Jhamra, Cairo
Present address:Brooklyn, NY and Hallendale, Fla
email address:KMerns@aol.com
Comments:I went to Lycee Francais du Daher. Left Cairo in 1961 for Paris, Left Paris in 1962 for US. Looking for old friends.
Name:Henry Mayers
Last address in Egypt:Giza/Cairo
Present address:Kansas City,MO
email address:
Comments:My mother just passed away, she was born in Alexandria. Her father Isaac Levy had 9 children, she is the first to pass on. We lived in Detroit where at one time there was a large egyptian jewish population, but most everyone got old and passed on. I wish
Name:Magdi Georges Nicolas
Last address in Egypt:Rue el Magd Roxy Heliopolis
Present address:Montreal Canada
Date:8 /8/2006
email address:nicolasmagdi24@hotmail.com
Comments:Ancien employe de la Banque Belge rue Kasr el nil Le Caire de 1949 /1964 / Romano, Onsy, Bentata, Mosseri etc ....
Name:victor gurfinkel
Last address in Egypt:rue port-est
Present address:kiriat-motskin
email address:gurfinv@walla.co.il
Comments:masr ouahshany
Name:Jack Tainsh
Last address in Egypt:49 salah el-dine st Alexandria
Present address:Melbourne Australia
email address:tainsh1@tpg.com.au
Comments:Great site would like to find friends from the past. Been to school in Port-Said. In 1952 Moved to Ismalia and in 1956 moved to Alex.
Name:Nicole J. Naniche
Last address in Egypt:Immobilia apt.515
Present address:NC USA
email address:paris121@bellsouth.net
Comments:Je suis née qu Caire en 1946, jai fréquenté le lyçée français du Caire et le T.T.Club.Nous avons quitté en novembre 1956.Famille maternelle : Simhon et Ezri.
Name:Liliane Benatar
Last address in Egypt:Heliopolis/Port Said
Present address:Los Angeles, Californie
email address:mikobenatar@yahoo.com
Comments:Nee Ben Mayor. Nous avons quite lEgypte on 1955. Jaimerai avoir des nouvelles des amis denfance - Jai ete a St. Clares a Heliopolis.
Name:SCIUTO Roger
Last address in Egypt:9 rue Adly CAIRO
Present address:9, rue de la Chapelle 69009 LYON France
email address:roger.sciuto@wanadoo.fr
Comments:excellent site que je consulte régulièrement avec beaucoup de plaisir et démotion étant natif du Caire.
Last address in Egypt:rue mouski cairo
Present address:ISRAEL TEL-AVIVE
email address:rfh@netvision.net.il
Comments:Je cherche une amie AMIRA que jai connu aux scott en 1954-1956
Name:Fouad William Shunbo
Last address in Egypt:Zamalek Cairo
Present address:Montreal Canada
Date:july 16,2006
email address:fshunbo49@hotmail.com
Comments:i am actually looking for agood friend of mine who was in the same school english mission college qubba his name Albert Abromovitch any one who knows were he is or albert contact me love to hear from you and from other graduates 1967
Name:serre née eman anne marie
Last address in Egypt:6 sh el guézireh, zamalek, cairo
Present address:Villa Isis charpenay 69460 blace
email address:
samia abousteit, asmahan elbatraoui, maizy rizk, viviane,fardos, isis et la classe de mr.Kiven chez les franciscaines 1956 57 58, ecrivez moi!
Name:Magdy Battikha
Last address in Egypt:El Antikhana, Cairo
Present address:18503 Carriage Walk Circle, Gaithersburg, MD 20879 USA
Date:25 June 2006
email address:mlbattikha@comcast.net
Comments:Went to school in De la Salle (Heliopolis, Bab El Louk, then Daher) until 1963. Interested in contacting classmates.
Name:Harari Albert
Last address in Egypt:Midan Soliman Pasha 1
Present address:Via Leonardo da Vinci 286 - 17021 Alassio (SV) - Italy
email address:harari.alberto@fastwebnet.it
Name:Saad Tohme
Last address in Egypt:Almaza , Heliopolis
Present address:Cherrybrook NSW Australia
Date:born 1950, Now 2006
email address:ttooma@tpg.com.au
Comments:Would like to get in touch and hear from school mates that went to colleges des frere Helipolois from 1955 to 1961. Raoouf Guimdy, Lionel Eskinazi, Joseph Saiis were my collegues.
Name:Esther Massouda
Last address in Egypt:16 Rue torsina
Present address:RI
email address:
Comments:I had left Egypt after 6 days war 1971 I arrive to NY and I reside in Baltimore, Md. I am looking for a friend who had 5 other siblings from Egypt we use to go to school together (Francescaine) 1964-the last name was George and her father use to own a
Name:Jack Tainsh
Last address in Egypt:49 Salah El Dine Alexandria
Present address:Melbourn Australia
Date:9th June 2006
email address:tainsh1@tpg.com.au
Comments:Exellent site. Would like to find friend from the past. Ive been to Port Said, Ismalia and Alexandria left in 1963 from Alex.
Name:Ida Marder Menash
Last address in Egypt:Cairo
Present address:Sydney Australia
email address:aimenash@bigpond.net.au
Comments:Would love to chat with old school friends from the Cours Maintenon, in Cairo.
Name:David Zohar
Last address in Egypt:c/o Consulate of Israel, Alexandria
Present address:Jerusalem
Date:Shavuot 2006
email address:davidzohar@yahoo.com
Comments:I was Consul General of Israel in Alexandria from 1991 to 1995 and was well acquainted with the Jewish community there. David Zohar
Name:George Chammas
Last address in Egypt:Shoubra, Cairo, Egypt
Present address:Ontario, Canada
Date:May 29,2006
email address:gchammas@rogers.com
Comments:My father worked for Cicurel, a large department store which was owned and operated by a jewish Family. When i was growing up, I remember interacting with Egyptian Jews and celebrating religious holidays in sinagogues in Cairo and Alexandria. I am interes
Name:Alex semerdjian
Last address in Egypt:10 rue alameldin cleopatra
Present address:16 overlander crt flagstone creek australia qld 4280
email address:boomba3@bigpond.com
Comments:Hi to whom it my concern
my name is Alex Smerdjian i am from Egypt Alexandria, i could not help writing to you when i was browsing your site,seeing all the old photos even though i dont know them personally,it reminds me Egypt of late 40`s and 50`s i am
Name:Abraham (Albert)BORREDA
Last address in Egypt:474, Rue Kantaret Ghamra, Daher,Cairo
Present address:Israel
email address:borreda@neision.net.il
Comments:Unbeleivable site. Pls advise how I can subscribe ad get in touch. Am born 1932 in Cairo attended COLLEGE FRANCAIS DU CAIR and would like tocontact anybody who can help.Wonderfull site.
Name:kalamaro lucy(BELBEL)
Last address in Egypt:babellouk-cairo
Present address:rishonlezion-israel
email address:kalamaro@netvion.net.il
Comments:i learned at the Lycee Francais babellouk-cairo.left Egypt by the end of 1965- if soeone remembers me pls contact.
Name:Mark Cassuto
Last address in Egypt:6 Rue Soussi Alexandria
Present address:New York New York
Date:April 12, 2006
email address:Ellisa62@aol.com
IWENT VICTOTIA COLLEGE FROM 1939 to 1941 when victoria college closed due to the war. I was a border in the school. There were probably 2 to 3 air raids per night, and they were not prepared with shelters...so what the sch
Name:Galil Boghdadi
Last address in Egypt:52 El Daher St, El Daher Cairo
Present address:Melbourne Australia
email address:gboghdad@bigpond.net.au
Comments:Dernier jour au Caire le 17/4/1970, Jaimerai bien entendre des nouvelles de la classe de 1970 College De La Salle Daher. Si par hazard quelquun se rappele de moi, sil vous plait envoit un e-mail.
Name:lisette cappon
Last address in Egypt:5 rue sousi alexandrie
Present address:1911 mohican trail aitland flm
email address:el halpern2@AOL.COM
Name:Albert Hamaoui
Last address in Egypt:Rua Champollion
Present address:Sao Paulo-Brazil
email address:alberthamaoui@gmail.com
Comments:I left Cairo in April 1959, studied at College des Freres, Bab-el-Louk, at 5eme,before I`ve studied at Lyce Français du Caire, then Franco Egyptien at Heliopolis. I`m looking for many friends: Ralph Roffe, Charles Chammah,Lydia and Deborah Steinhard and
Name:Mark Cassuto
Last address in Egypt:6 Rue Soussi, Clepatra Le Bain
Present address:New York, New York
Date:April 9, 2006
email address:Ellisa62@aol.com
Comments:Iwas born in Alexandria in 1933.
I attended several bording schools. Lycee Francais, British Boys School, and Victoria College.
I left British Boys School Form 1 on November 22, 1945 for the United States.
I am looking for Cassar Tanti, Negreen, David
Last address in Egypt:Cairo
Present address:Miami, Florida
Date:April 6, 2006
email address:jbarouh44@hotmail.com
My wife is from Cairo. Moved to Geneva in 1960. Fathers name Joseph and Mothers name Alice Tabah originally from Beirut. Married Jack Barouh whose father Maurice was from Turkey and Mother Esther Torczyner was from Vienna. Rita has a sister named Denise.
Name: Irene POLISOIS
Last address in Egypt: 4, rue Fahmy, Bab-El-Look, Cairo
Present address: Montreal, Canada
Date: 29 mars 2006
email address: iatalla@motrosemortgage.com
Comments: Je suis nee au Caire en 1948 et je suis allee au Lycee Francais (Al Horreya)de 1952 a 1965. Essaye de retouver des amies de cette époque. Suis tombee par hasard sur votre site et je lai trouve formidable.
Name: Mendoza
Last address in Egypt: Av. Fouad 1er Cairo
Present address: London UK
Date: 27-03-06
email address: alainmendoza@btinternet.com
Comments: Looking for info. on my cousin Rose Cohen nee Salama lately from Cairo. Rose and her husband had three children: (?) Victor and Rachelle. Perhaps now living in Israel.
Name: SABA
Last address in Egypt: ALEX
Present address: GRENOBLE
Date: 20 03 06
email address: pierre-sab@swissmail.net
Comments: Could I receives news from Ninette HASSAN,CAIRO?
Name: barbara cesari
Last address in Egypt: port said
Present address: trieste italy
Date: 5 march 2006
email address: shamseven@libero.it
Comments: great its about 2 days that iam reading about egypt judaica story and iam very fashioned about it, i remember of an old family of Cairo very friendly with my parents during our stay in Egypt named Victor and Yvette Barouk they lived in late 60for France an
Last address in Egypt: RUE TALAT HARB
Present address: MONTREAL, Canada
Date: March 1, 2006
email address: leon.mosseri@sympatico.ca
Comments: I would like to hear from my old friends in Cairo. Their family names are: Carmona - Levy Taabana - Moreno - I left Cairo for Milano Italy in 1957 and in 1978 I moved with my family to Montreal (Cote St-Luc), Canada. Ciao
Name: Eyal Sagui Bizawe
Last address in Egypt:
Present address: Tel-Aviv
Date: 17/02/06
email address: eyalsb@gmail.com
Comments: Hello dear freinds. My parents were born in Cairo. My father Salomon Bizawe used to live in El-Daher, Before in Sharia el-Nuzha, and before in Haret el-Yahoud.He studied at the Licee Francais and left in 1949. my mother Zohra Cohen Saban lived at Sharia
Name: Ezra Meallem
Last address in Egypt: 29 Rue Sheikh Amar - Shakakini - Cairo
Present address: Jerusalem
email address: avril.m@netvision.co.il
Comments: Left Cairo in 8th April 1957 Lived in Israel till 1965 and then the UK till 1998. Now leaving in Jerusalem Searching my childhood friend Selim Maroon who may be in Canada
Name: Sylvain Gabbai
Last address in Egypt:
Present address: Sao Paulo, Brasil
Date: 11/02/2006
email address: sgabbai@attglobal.net
Comments: I left Cairo in 1958. My family went first to Israel, then to Italy, but finally ended in Brazil.
Name: Anne Dorra
Last address in Egypt: Zamalek
Present address: Zamalek
Date: 6/02/06
email address: anne_josette@hotmail.com
Comments: First of all, congratulations on your site!! I am the daughter of Andre Dorra, a big Jewish family in Alexandria. Now, there are all gone and my dad currently lives in New York. I would love to hear of people who knew him back in Alexandria.
Name: pilossof
Last address in Egypt: sharea sharaf #7 alexandria
Present address: israel herzeliah
Date: feb 03 006
email address: philos45@bezeqint.net
Comments: been born in alex 1933 in moharam beck.went to agion school then lycee francais.in agion school the school director was mr ezron. i left egypt in 1948.now i am in israel. my father isaac been born in palestine (jaffa) and evacuated to egypt by the turki
Name: Engi Hannah Wassef
Last address in Egypt: 333 Malek Faisal Street
Present address: 36 Gramercy Park, N ew York, NY
Date: 2/2/06
email address: wassef02@yahoo.com
Comments: Hi, I am trying to locate some family members and map out my family tree. My grandmother was Ester Menasche of the Menasche family in Alexandria. She died in Cairo in 1952. Any help would be very greatly appreciated.
Name: Barbara Marsh
Last address in Egypt: Marriott Hotel
Present address: Cheltenham UK
Date: 23/01/2006
email address: bbzasssociates@btconnect.com
Comments: I recently visited Old Cairo and was most impressed with Ben Ezra synagogue and the Christian Churches. These are a vey important part of the Egyptian heritage. They mst be maintained and looked after.
Name: maurice cohen
Last address in Egypt: rue daramalli 8 cairo
Present address: milan
Date: 2 janvier 20061
email address: ulivi_cohen@yahoo.it
Comments: any contact much appreciated
Name: Dr. Ruth Kimche (Liscovitch)
Last address in Egypt: 11 rue Soliman Pasha
Present address: Israel
Date: 17.1.06
email address:
Comments: Enjoying wery much your very interesting newsletter
Name: Josephine Falcetti
Last address in Egypt: Rue Monseigneur Sogaro Zamalek Cairo
Present address: Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Date: January 10 2006
email address: joc@easyline.com.br
Comments: Contact me if you ever were a student of the German school in Bab el Louk Cairo or Alexandria, or had contact with ICAO Cairo. Egypt,my birth country, is in my daily dreamland, mais cest un chapitre ferme
Name: Nathan Hassoun
Last address in Egypt: None
Present address: Brooklyn, NY
Date: 01/07/06
email address: Nathan_4@Netzero.net
Comments: We are Egyptian Jews. I am named after my grandfather. My Grandfathers name was Nathan Hassoun and my grandmothers name was Nahama. He died in Cairo, Egypt in the 50s & my Grandmother died in Isreal in the 80s. My father tells me that his father had broth
Name: Doubiani Fatima
Last address in Egypt: ambassade du maroc a zamalek
Present address: Maroc
Date: 1965 a 1968
email address: doubiani55@caramail.com
Comments: Jai ete a lecole Franciscaine de Marie au Zamalek, je suis à la recherche des anciens eleves qui ont fréquentes cette école, dans les annees 1965 a 1968,javais 11 ans, si quelquun se rappelle de moi quil me contacte. Fatima
Name: Doreen Fielder nee Brine
Last address in Egypt: Cairo
Present address:
Date: 2 January 2006
email address: alexis.fielder@btinternet .com
Comments: Was stationed in Cairo with the WAAF in 1945 where I met my husband Douglas Fielder who was serving with the RAF. We met my first day in Cairo. We married 6 months later in Heliopolis and honeymooned in Alexandria. It was a wonderfully romantic and exciti
Name: Daisy Jonathan
Last address in Egypt: Heliopolis
Present address: Duncan Canada
Date: Jan 1 2006
email address: shematt@shaw.ca
Comments: would love to hear from anyone that went to English Mission College in Koubbeh from 1936 to 1941.
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C O N T A C TJewish Community Council (JCC) of Cairo# 13 Sabil El Khazindar Street Midan al-Geish, Abbassia, Cairo Egypt
tel: +20 2 2482-4613 - tel/fax +20 2 2736-9639 |
open daily 10:00 to 15:00 Friday 10:00 to 17:00 Sunday closed
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please note the Jewish Community Council of Alexandria is an independent entity separate from the Jewish Community Council of Cairo