BASSATINE NEWS the ONLY Jewish newsletter reporting directly from Egypt |
A Community Chronicle put out by the Jewish Community Council (JCC) of Cairo since 1995 |
Name: Sylvette Kadian
Last address in Egypt: Rue Métawakel Ala Allah, Zeitoun
Present address: 204, rue Ernest-Aubin, Ste-Rose, Laval, Québec, Canada
Date: 31 decembre 2005
email address: sylvette.kadian@sympatico.a
Comments: Jai quitte legypte, le 21 janvier 1969. Jai fait mes etudes au Pensionnat Notre-dame-des-Apotres (NDA) a Zeitoun. Je suis armenienne
Last address in Egypt: ALEXANDIA
Present address: CANADA
Date: DEC 31 2005
Name: Eliahou Aviges
Last address in Egypt: 9B Said Streeet, Sakakini, Cairo
Present address: Johannesburg, South Africa
Date: 30 December 2005
email address: reina@global.co.za
Comments: I was born in June 1921 and lived in Cairo till the age of 28 in 1949. After that I lived in Tel Aviv,Israel and at the present I live with my family in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Last address in Egypt: ALEXANDRIA
Present address: PARIS
Date: 24/12/05
email address: dynamic-tourisme@wanadoo.fr
Name: Paul Yedlin
Last address in Egypt: Rue Sidi Metoualli, Alexandrie
Present address: Raanana, Israel
email address: pauly@bezeqint.net
Comments: Lycee de lunion Juive, 7eme 1952-1953
Name: Greenberg
Last address in Egypt:
Present address: 22515 Marilla Street
Date: 12-20-2005
email address: Lgreenberg@socal.rr.com
Comments: My grandmother was Anis (Ines) Mosseri Bogdadly (later Bentley) Please let me know if these is the same person. The rest of the brothers and sisters are the same names I am familiar with. Thank you.
Name: Gilead Lombroso
Last address in Egypt: Alexandria
Present address: Chandler, Arizona
Date: December 18, 2005
email address: lombroso2@cox.net
Comments: I was born in Alexandria 5/27/1946 to Renato Lumbroso & Yolanda. I would like to hear from people who knew my Dad Dr. Renato Lumbroso and my mom Yolanda. They both were born in Alexandria at the year 1920. We moved to Israel in the year 1951. My Dad and m
Name: Reuven Firestone
Last address in Egypt:
Present address:
Date: 16.12.05
email address: rfirestone@huc.edu
Comments: I am coming with my family to Cairo beginning January, 2006, for a 6-month sabbatical. We are interested in learning more about the Jewish community of Cairo. Best, Reuven
Name: isaac ostrovsky
Last address in Egypt: 49 khalifa elmaamoun heliopolis(rocxy)
Present address: 151 garfield pl.-so.orange n.J 07079
Date: DEC 16 2005
email address: ISAACUSA@GMAIL.com
Comments: LEFT EGYPT APRIL 1959 MY MOTHER RACHEL OSTROVSKY IS BURRIED IN CAIRO CEMETERY 1would like to know if you have any info on her grave please let me know a.s.o.p thankyou
Name: maurice
Last address in Egypt: daramalli,8
Present address: via cernaia, 9 milano
Date: december 05
email address: ulivi_cohen@yahoo.it
Comments: j ai vecu 18 ans au caire apres college des freres bab el louk puis khoronfish puis ttc puis depart en 1957 suis heureux de recevoir news from any old friend.
Name: Wahid Gabriel
Last address in Egypt: Boctor
Present address: P.O box 2853 Beverly Hills .California
Date: Dec 10, 2005
email address: aatv@charter.net
Comments: Congratualtions!!! Carmen for this great efforts. I was moved to read all the postings of people who want to learn about their roots.
Name: simone Shalhoub (Gennaoui)
Last address in Egypt: 1 Rue Sidi Metwalli, Alexandrie au dessus du magazin sednaoui
Present address: sydney australia
Date: 04/12/05
email address: ssemsem@my place.net.au
Comments: just letting you know my new email address.
Name: Gebraeil
Last address in Egypt: El Ibrahimeya, Alexandria
Present address: New Jersey, United States
Date: 12/03/05
email address: mister_weed_81@hotmail.com
Comments: Hi!,I would like to ask to anyone who used to live in Alexadria, if you know to a woman, her name is GINA ANTWAN!!!, I came to the USA 10 years ago and I lost any contact with her, Now I know that she came to the USA But I dont know where she is!!!m
Name: albert dassa
Last address in Egypt: 37 rue tanis camp cesar
Present address: wembley london
Date: 39/11/05
email address: albertdassa@ntlworld.com
Comments: would love to hear from schoolfriends albert zeitouny eddy fayez alain perez diane levy all from lycee de l.union juive buckley 1952-1959
Name: Herbert Agius
Last address in Egypt: 304 Ave Fouad Cleopatra Alexandria
Present address: Australia
Date: 23 November 2005
email address: herberta@optusnet.com.au
Comments: I like website - I attended College St Marc and British Boys School in Alexandria. I would love to hear from anyone who lived there 1940 - 1953
Name: egozi judith (Israel juliette)
Last address in Egypt: ghamra rue khalig el masry
Present address: kibutz maabarot Israel
Date: 21.11.05
email address: sifriya_rh@ramot-hefer.org.il
Comments: left cairo in march 1957 lycee francai daher
Name: Kamal Karim Issa
Last address in Egypt: 38 Shibin St
Present address: Claremont, Ca, USA
Date: 63-present
email address: karimmissa@yahoo.com
Comments: All 1958 Heliopolis graduates! Were looking for a good number of you. Please go to: www.users.on.net/~rhosny/ We have identified some of you on class photos but we need you to let us know of your whereabouts. Write to Alfred Chakour; were working on a r
Name: albert dassa
Last address in Egypt: 37 rue tanis camp cesar alexandria
Present address: 11 the mount wembley middx england
Date: 18/11/05
email address: albert dassa@ntlworld.com
Comments: we r talking abouta world that has disappeared many years ago
Name: Amiras
Last address in Egypt:
Present address: hillel 2 jerusalem
email address: rica@netmedia.net.il
Comments: i am looking for the Amiras Family that were living in Egipt and came from Izmir.
Name: alex
Last address in Egyp
t: 304 Avenue Fouad Cleopatra Alexandria
Present address: holon israel
Date: 17/11/2005
email address: alex007d12@yahoo.com
Comments: I attended College St Marc and British Boys School - if anyone still remembers please contact me
Name: sofer raphael (fouly)
Last address in Egypt: 8 rue borssa el gedida cairo
Present address: holon israel
Date: 17 1 48 4 11 05
email address: sofer3023@walla.com
Comments: ne 17 1 48 ecole oeuvre de la goutte de lait je cherche notre classe noms/lucy ossidia/sarah liliane yacoub dayn frida/lichaa frida/malki joe rebeka\marzouq josph /chemtob henri/etc ainsi nos prof beleli sophie/douek jack/setton denise albert /
Name: Herbert Agius
Last address in Egypt: 304 Avenue Fouad Cleopatra Alexandria
Present address: Melbourne
Date: 1953
email address: herberta@optusnet.com.au
Comments: I attended College St Marc and British Boys School - if anyone still remembers please contact me
Name : Kamal Karim H. G. Issa
Last address in Egypt : 38 Rue Chibin, Apt 17
Present address : Claremont, California
Date : 1963-2005
email address : karimmissa@yahoo.com
Comments : I finished my 4ieme in 58 at College des Freres, Heliopolis and received the Brevet in 59 from College de La Salle, Daher, Egypt. I did manage lately to locate some classmates in Australia, USA and Canada. Were working on a website for the alumni of 58/59
Name : Nabil Kamel Eldeiry
Last address in Egypt : Heliopolis
Present address : Edmonton, Canada
Date : October 24, 2005
email address : nkdr@telusplanet.net
Comments : Wonderful website. We left Cairo in 1959. Went to the U.k. first, and eventually moved to Canada. Attended English Mission College Cairo 1940 to 1952. Would very much like to hear from classmates and friends: Ginette & Etty Skinazi, Freddy Lehine, Cla
Name : Liliane Rumens (nee Francis)
Last address in Egypt : 73 Rue Ambroise Rally Camp de cesar
Present address : 1 Haslemere Close Camberley Surrey United Kingdom
Date : 21 October 2005
email address : lilian_trev17@hotmail.co.uk
Comments : I was born in Alexandria Egypt in 1942 and attended the lycee de lunion juive at rushdi. I would like to hear from old friends. My first language was french but now live between England and spain. Si par hazard il ya des connaissances en France jaimerais les retrouvees.
Name : Nona Orbach
Last address in Egypt :
Present address : Kiryat Tivon, Israel
Date : 23/10/05
email address : orbachen@netvision.net.il
Comments : Nona Orbach, granddaughter of Isaac Kipnis, the architect of Meir Eynaim" or Meyr Biton synagogue in El Maadi, [1934] a swimming pool. [1940], a church, villas. He was my grandmother's second husband and worked as an architect in Ness Ziona. We lived at the same yard, in a house he built for us. He was my first drawing teacher, showing me the connection between light and shadow to the place of the sun. Not long ago my mother found many pictures and documents from the synagogue.
Name : Amr Radwan
Last address in Egypt : Hamza Fathallah Street
Present address : UK
Date : 23 Oct 2005
email address : aahr100@hotmail.com
Comments : As an Egyptian Muslim, it heartens me that there are still Egyptian Jews willing to protect their traditions and culture within Egypt despite any difficulties they encounter. I hope you can continue to be a light for understanding and tolerance and that a
Name : Mireille Pannett
Last address in Egypt : Rue Saint Nicola , Ibraymiya
Present address : Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Date : 21th October 2005
email address : pannett@uol.com.br
Comments : My name is Mireille (Misan) Pannett, I was born in Alexandrie, Egypt in 1947. We left Egypt in 1957, and came to Rio de Janeiro. My father was Victor Misan and my mother Eveline (Negrine) Misan. If anyone care to contact me, please do.
Name : lorys Bitty nee Beressi
Last address in Egypt : road 81 no 28 Maadi
Present address : jerusalem
Date : 20/10/05
email address : bittyl@bezeqint.net
Comments : who knows about people and friends from the Club:Kimy,Labib,Samir,the Bayocchi family ?and from thelycee Faiza Heykal,Ghislaine Werner?left theland just before the war ofSuez to study medecine in Paris,and live in Israel as psychiatrist since 1983.Thanks
Last address in Egypt : RUE EL HORREYA ALEXANDRIA
Present address : PARIS
Date : 17102005
email address : goldenbaum@yahoo.fr
Comments : I left alexandria in 1961 my father was pediatrian there ,I work here as a dentist in courbevoie just close to Paris. I would be pleased to meet my old classmates and friends.
Name : Sam Cattan
Last address in Egypt : Caire
Present address : caracas
email address : patrickc@cantv.net
Comments : unique
Name : ZAGDOUN Georges
Last address in Egypt :
Present address : Paris (France)
Date : 10 août 2005
email address : mg.zagdoun@wanadoo.fr
Comments : Bonjour, mon arriere grand pere Aslan fut un des donnateurs de la grande synagogue du Caire! Qui peut m'aider pour savoir ou il est ne, qaund s'est-il marrie, avec qui ? A bientot!! Bravo pour votre site!!
Name : Greta Fiorentino
Last address in Egypt : 8 rue Kasr el Nil
Present address : Miami -Florida
Date : August 8th 2005
email address : Greta928@aol.com
Comments : Je viens de recontrer cette page sur Linternet qui ma prise tres loin dans les annees et plusieurs noms tres vivants dans mes souvenirs. Si mon nom vous rappelle du Lycee Francais du Caire 1945-6-7 envoyez moi un petit mot.
Name : Alberto Bonnici
Last address in Egypt :
Present address : 3 Westfield Lodge 94 Hadham Road Bishops Stortford Hertfordshire CM23 2QF
Date : 3rd August, 2995
email address : albertobonnici@supanet.com
Comments : Looking for someone who was in Egypt from 1931 to 1956 particularly someone with a maiden name of either Teresa or Alfredo Brocktof
Name : Nessim Gohar
Last address in Egypt : Bombay Castle St. Alexandria
Present address : Tel Aviv, Israel
Date : 2/08/05
email address : zoharn@nt.koteret.co.il
Comments : Great site for Egypt's lost children. Born and lived in Alexandria. Attended St Andrews from 1941 to June 1950 when we left Egypt. I still miss her. Wahashtini ya Alex.
Name : Kelly Green
Last address in Egypt : 21 Rue Soliman Pacha, Cairo
Present address : Calabasas/USA
Date : 7/27/05
email address : kgreen@karlingreen.com
Comments : Was born and grew up in Egypt as Becky Benyacar. Left in 1963. Attended LFC from 1950- 56, then the Soeur Franciscaine 1957-59, the American College for girls 1960-61, English Girls College in Alexandria 1961-63. Would love to hear from old friends.
Name : Mimelou Piralla
Last address in Egypt : le caire
Present address : France
Date : 27.07.2005
email address : chcollange@orange.fr
Comments : je suis la fille de Suzanne Kyra Piralla Thevenaz qui habiter au Caire chez Mr Assir. Ma mere a accouche le 14.02.1951 d'un garcon prenomme Assir qui a ete adopte quelques jours apres sa naissance par une famille du Caire amie de Mr Assir.
Name : Dino Mires
Last address in Egypt : 4 Rue Mahmoud Sidky, Cairo
Present address : Ein Hamifratz, D. N. Ashrat 25210
Date :
email address : miresdan@ima.co.il
Comments : Son of Dr. Gaston and Ines Mires and brother of Bruno and Lea.
Name : Suzanne THEVENAZ, dite Kyra
Last address in Egypt : Alexandrie / le Caire
Present address : Suisse
Date : 14 juillet 2005
email address : cpiralla@yahoo.com
Comments : I am looking for any information about my mother, friends of her (Couka and Beba) and my brother Samir, born in 1951 in Cairo. Kyra lived there until the mid-fifties and then came to Switzerland. Je suis le fils de Suzanne et je recherche des ami(e)s de Kyra, notamment Couka et Beba. Je recherche egalement mon demi-frere Samir, ne en 1951 au Caire. Ma mere a quitte l'Egypte en 1953, decedee en 1969. Je recherche Mlle Claude Assir-Chammah, surnom Couka qui habitait a cette adresse avec sa famille dans les annees 50-60. Je mappelle Mimelou.
Name : Moira
Last address in Egypt : none
Present address : Canada
Date : July,14,2005
email address : boylem@nbnet.nb.ca
Comments : Shalom ! I am a Jewish woman from the UK living in Canada. My grandmother told me when I was a small child that some of her relatives were born and lived in Egypt. I wish now that I had paid more attention to what she told me. This site has really inspired me.
Name : Joseph Sami Israel
Last address in Egypt : el Daher, Cairo
Present address : Dallas, texas
Date : 9/7/2005
email address : jidiadem3672@sbcglobal.net
Comments : very excited to find the site love Egypt and the people of Egypt born 1948 left Egypt 1962.
Name : Joseph Hakim
Last address in Egypt : 13 rue Sesostris, Alexandrie
Present address : jerusalem
Date : quelle date svp ?
email address : iossef_1@zahav.net.il
Comments : Chere Carmen! Comment allez vous ? Nous etions sur le point de nous rencontrer a Jerusalem pendant votre sejour... mais - helas - la rencontre na pas eu lieu. Priere de m'ecrire sur le email ci-joint. Merci!
Name : Rosenberg/Lagnado, Nelly
Last address in Egypt : Rue Elfi Bey. Le Caire
Present address : Boston, Massachusetts
Date : July 4th, 2005
email address : nrosenbe@bu.edu
Comments : I have been living in Boston for the past 42 years. Married to an attorney. Have three sons married and 6 grandchildren. Am still teaching French Literature at the University. Would love to hear from Maurice Rokach, an old friend from Cairo.
Name : Sami Ambar
Last address in Egypt : Immobilia Building Rue Cherif Pasha
Present address : USA
Date : July 2nd, 2005
email address : sambar5555@aol.com
Comments : How sad to find out that the Maimonides synagogue at 15 Darb Mahmoud has collapsed and is flooded. This is a historical holy site. As a child my father would take me there sometimes to sleep for the night. Moslems and Christians would go there too.
Name : Aaron Hafkin
Last address in Egypt : rue Malika Nazli, Cairo
Present address : 305 West End Avenue, New York
Date : July 2nd, 2005
email address : ahafkin1@nyc.rr.com
Comments : Je cherche ma cousine, Fernard Hafkin, fille de Leon Hafkine. Elle ete ne autours 1925-30 au Caire. Si quelqu'un a information a son sujet veuillez vous addressez a Aaron Hafkin: ahafkin1@nyc.rr.com. Merci beaucoup.
Name : Aaron Villalobos
Last address in Egypt : Marashly (AUC Dorm)
Present address :
Date : July 2, 2005
email address : aaron.villalobos@gmail.com
Comments : Great Site. Are there any locations for prayer services in Cairo? Thanks, Aaron Villalobos; aaron.villalobos@gmail.com
Date : 27.6.2005
email address : yganon@bigpond.net.au
Comments : I am an old Sacred Heart pupil. I matriculated in 1954 - we left Egypt in 1957 and after spending a year in Paris came to Western Australia where my Family has lived ever since.
Name : Ron Tarablous
Last address in Egypt :
Present address : 356 E. 8th St, NYC, USA
Date : 6/25/05
email address : tarabloux@aol.com
Comments : my grandmom Helen Mizrahi born in Cairo, married my grandpa Rafael Tarablous from Jerusalem on nov/12/1913 and moved to jerusalem where i was born to her son Avraham Tarablous. I now live in NYC am looking for the Mizrahi family in Paris first name Jaques.
Name : Renee Duek
Last address in Egypt :
Present address : Rio de Janeiro-Brazil.
Date : 21- 06-2005.
email address : ranune@hotmail.com
Comments : I would like meet people who lived in Milano. When I was there they are gone to CANADA, FRANCE OR USA. Now I am living in a beautiful city, and I would love find people of my family or friends in the world. A BIENTOT.
Name : ANTEBI Maurice
Last address in Egypt : 2 , rue Daramalli - Caire
Present address : Tel-Aviv
Date : 19 June 2005
email address : moritebi@yahoo.com
Comments : 1929-1950 - College des Freres Bab-el-louk + Lycee Francais du Caire. Cite magnifique que jai trouve par hasard. j'ai trouve un ancien camarade de classe! BRAVO et bonne continuation!
Name : Kam Elassal
Last address in Egypt : Heliopolis - Cairo
Present address : Toronto -Canada
Date : June 17 2005
email address : elasska@hotmail.com
Comments : My late father Abbas Elassal who was running a shoes factory in Bab El Khalk square in Cairo between 1940-1970. He had very strong relations with Egyptian Jews. I have lots of good things to remember about the old good days.
Last address in Egypt : 35,rue ABOU BAKR EL SEDDIK,35 -HELIOPOLIS
Present address : BELGIQUE
Date : 16/06/2005
email address : rene_gaeta@hotmail.com
Comments : jai fait mes secondaires au College des Freres a Daher au Caire - Annee 1955-1959. J'ai eu comme professeurs: Frere Alphone, Mr Dib, Frere Xavier; je cherche a prendre contacter avec des cammarades d'ecole qui m'ont connus.
Name : Andrea Meech (Hazak)
Last address in Egypt : 27 Sharia Soliman Pacha, Cairo
Present address : Auckland, New Zealand
Date : 16 June 2005
email address : meechy@ihug.co.nz
Comments : My grandmother live in Soliman Pacha pre 1946. This is a lovely site.
Name : Steve Sher
Last address in Egypt :
Present address : New Jersey
Date : June 15, 2005
email address : shersteven@aol.com
Comments : I have tried with no success to contact the Jewish community in Cairo. I am a reform cantor who will be traveling in Egypt between July 16 and July 28th. I would very much like to be able to visit with members of the community and tour the historic Jewish
Name : Stuart Cooke
Last address in Egypt : 3
Present address : 802 W. 190th St. 5C, New York, NY
Date : 6/13/2005
email address : stuart@cooke.com
Comments : Am looking for any information about a Daniel, Rachel, or their daughter, Lucienne Saporta. Am writing a book about Lucienne and her husband, Feri Farkas, who lived in Cairo until 1942 at 3 Midan Ismailia.
Name : Salomon Levy Sidi
Last address in Egypt :
Present address : Montevideo - Uruguay
Date : June 13th, 2005
email address : slevy@adinet.com.uy
Comments : Busco miembros y descendientes de la familia SIDI que vivio en Alexandria - Egipto. Hermanos de mi abuelo materno SALOMON SIDI, nacido en Izmir. Nombre de sus hermanos que vivieron en Egipto: Alejandro Sidi, Sol Sidi, Mazal Tov Sidi
Name : Richard Milosh
Last address in Egypt : 25, rue Kasr El Nil, Cairo
Present address : 30 williams Ave, Dulwich, SA, Australia
Date : 13 June 2005
email address : rmilosh@internode.on.net
Comments : I am looking for a friend, Leonide Klebansky, from Cairo, last heard from him in 1963 - 64. We were both students at Ecole des Freres, Bab El Louk, 1946 - 1958. I left Egypt on 1 January 1963 for Australia.
Name : Herbert Samuel
Last address in Egypt : Rue Champollion-Alexandria
Present address : Silver Spring, MD - USA
Date : June 12, 1005
email address : herbsamuel@comcast.net
Name : Oren Blum
Last address in Egypt : no address
Present address : Israel
Date : June 10 , 2005
email address : oren.s29@gmail.com
Comments : Hi, Looking for info about my mother's family. My mother Mirrele Rossano was born in 1945 in Cairo. Her sister Nino (Sarina) was born in 1948. Went to Lycee Francais, Cairo. Left Egypt on 12/1956.
Name : Maxwell J. Moss
Last address in Egypt : Four Seasons
Present address : New York City
Date : June 9, 2005
email address : sales@ncionline.com
Comments : Recently visited your synagogue a couple of weeks ago. We were happy we had the opportunity to do so. Very impressed with your library and we appreciated the warm welcome we experienced. I plan to meet with our Rabbi from Congregation Emanu-EL in New York.
Name : Goudsouzian Norbert
Last address in Egypt : Idris Ragheb Daher
Present address : Hamburg, Germany
Date : June 2005
email address : goudsouzian@web.de
Comments : J'ai quitte l'Egypte en 1962. Ancien eleve du Petit College des Jesuites et ensuite du Lycee Francais du Caire (Al Horreya). Mon Pere avait un magasin rue Al Azhar 44. Bonjour a tous. On ne peut pas oublier Le Caire.
Name : Marcia Heller
Last address in Egypt :
Present address : mesa, az
Date : 6/3/05
email address : marciaheller@hotmail.com
Comments : Are there any tours that take you to Jewish sites in Cairo and Alexandria?
Name : Dan Yarhi
Last address in Egypt : Zamalek
Present address : Yarhi
Date : May 2005
email address : danyarhi@sympatico.ca
Comments : Cest comme un reve.
Name : Leila Jacoel
Last address in Egypt : none
Present address : 7388 Tulare Hill
Date : 05/23/05
email address : ljacoel@yahoo.com
Comments : You wanted to find the Jacoels from Egypt? My father, Leo Jacoel was born in Cairo in 1942.
Name : MISAN Aron
Last address in Egypt : Sakakini
Present address : Dampierre en Yvelines France
Date : 22/05/2005
email address : aron.misan@wanadoo.fr
Comments : Je cherche des nouvelles de mon pere Armand Misan qui etait pour longtemps et jusqu'en 1953 Chef Caissier au Shepherds Hotel rue Ibrahim Pacha. Pas de frere mais avait 4 soeurs et son pere etait d'Alexandrie. Moi j'ai quitte en 49 ou j'etais a Khoronfish.
Name : Albert Hefetz
Last address in Egypt : 33 rue Ibrahim Heliopolis
Date : 18 Mai 2005
email address : ahefetz@zahav.net.il
Comments : Ne 1928, Ecole Abraham Betsch jusqu'en 1940. Cherche les noms de mes camarades de classe de 1ere pour etablir une liste de tous les eleves de cette classe dont le professeur etait Mlle Chalom. J'ai reuni deja 26 noms et cherche le reste des noms. Merci.
Name : Salem, Victor
Last address in Egypt : Clepatra,Alexandria
Present address : Montreal,Canada
Date : 2005/05/17
email address : victorsalem@hotmail.com
Comments : Would love to contact some of my old friends from Ecole Jabes.
Name : Claudette Cassab
Last address in Egypt : Souk-el-Tewfiquieh
Present address : Lisbonne-Portugal
Date : 2005-05-14
email address : claudy_cassab@hotmail.com
Comments : Nee em 1942 au Caire, jai fait mes etudes au Lycee Français du Caire jusqu'en 1960 data a laquelle jai quitte le pays de lepoque la plus insouciante e heureuse de ma vie. Aujourdhui, apres avoir roule ma bosse entre Europe, Afrique et Amerique du Sud, je pense a l'egypte.
Name : Nakash
Last address in Egypt : Shubra St. Cairo
Present address : Amsterdam
Date : 13 May 2005
email address : robbert_afl@hotmail.com
Comments : On my last visit to Egypt I purchased two copper dishes in Aswan, differing from one another only in that one has Hebrew and the other Arabic calligraphy on it. Each has a little medallion with a torso of a man on it.
Name : Mark Rosenberg
Last address in Egypt : n/a
Present address : East Lansing, Michigan
Date : may 2005
email address : rosenb10@msu.edu
Comments : hello - I'm in Cairo and was wondering if there are Friday night services or a Shabbos dinner place for myself and my colleague? Please email me. Thanks. Mark
Last address in Egypt : PORT-EST
Present address :
Date : 9/5/2005
email address : gurfinv@netvision.net.il
Comments : ce site est une merveille
Name : Victor Doche
Last address in Egypt : 9 Rue Baron Empain, Heliopolis
Present address : St Kitts Nevis
Date : May 8th 2005
email address : vrdoche@aol.com
Comments : Great site. Left Cairo 1969 for Canada. Montreal still home but living in the Caribbean for time being. Will be great to hear from old friends
Name : Polack
Last address in Egypt : Alexandria
Present address : Colorado
Date : 5-5-05
email address : torourke@aol.com
Comments : Looking for descendants of Abraham Jacob Polack from Alexandria. Last known descendant was Alexandre Polack.
Name : Myra Sonsino
Last address in Egypt : Rue Fouad, Cairo & Meadi
Present address : Jerusalem, Israel
Date : 23.04.05
email address : gazira@zahav.net.il
Comments : J'aimerai beaucoup retrouver des amies du Lycee Francais du Caire, des eclaireuses du Caire et de Meadi. Genevieve Santenac, Agnes (nous ecrivions un journal ensemble) et toutes celles qui se souviennet de moi. Wonderful site, brings back a lot of memories. Left 1957. Looking forward to hear from old friends.
Name : Mary Bontempo
Last address in Egypt : Sphinx St. Nazlet el Samaan
Present address : same
Date : 27 April 2005
email address : reikimastermarybontempo@yahoo.com
Comments : Glad to have local news for my Jewish friends and houseguests.
Name : Michael Altit
Last address in Egypt : none
Present address : São Paulo - Brazil
Date : April 25, 2005
email address : maltit@uol.com.br
Comments : I am the son of the late Isaac Zaki Altit. He was born in Alexandria - Egypt in 1932 and passed away in 2001. He attended the Saint Andrews Scottish Boys School. He is the grandfather of Gabriela, Rafael, Renato and now Fernando Eli Altit.
Last address in Egypt : HEIMAN
Present address : ISRAEL
Date :
email address : abheiman@zahav.net.il
Name: Nathan Catache
Last address in Egypt:: Rue Pacha - Daher - Cairo
Present address: R. Filadelfia,42- SP - Bresil
email address: catachen@hotmail.com
Comments: Je viens de rencontrer l'adresse de ma cousine! C'est incroyable !!! mes compliments
Last address in Egypt: SHEIKH AMAR 29,SAKAKINI, CAIRO
Present address : CORAL SPRINGS USA
Date : 4/17/05
email address : DAMELAM@YAHOO.COM
Comments : Studied in College de la Salle and College St Joseph, Khoronfish, Cairo. Left Egypt in August 1948. Looking for Roger Alfia and Georges Bassal. Also looking for Jeanette Maroon.
Name : Marysa Delia
Last address in Egypt : Heliopolis
Present address : Boca Raton, Florida
Date : April 16,2005
email address : alminana@bellsouth.net
Comments : Born in Cairo in 951,left in 1957 for Venezuela, would love to find a long lost friend from University of Tel-Aviv: Cohava Ashkenazi, please respond...my parents were Menahem Emile Delia & Marcelle Vais Chaki, my sisters are Vivianne & Dina.
Name : Emmanuel Joseph Menahem
Last address in Egypt : Rue Fouad, Port-Said
Present address : 76 Tenterden Drive, Hendon, London NW4 1EE, ENGLAND.
email address : emmanuelmenahem@hotmail.com
Comments: Please contact, if you have information on Ohel Moshe Synagogue, Lyces Francais School, Eden Drug Store Pharmacy or Rue Fouad, Port-Said. Thank You.
Name : Cohen Aaron
Last address in Egypt : Alexandria
Present address : Rio de Janeiro
Date : 12.04.05
email address : d.tolub@crpconsulting.net
Comments : Je cherche tous renseignements concernant mon pere ou sa famille ou des personnes ayant vecu en alexandrie dans les annees 30. Mon père se nomme Aaron Cohen, il vient dune famille nombreuses (5 frères mayer, Salomon, Moche, Isaac et 2 soeurs Regine et Pascal.
Name : Josephine Falcetti Cioni
Last address in Egypt: Zamalek, Cairo
Present address : Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Date : April 10, 2005
email address : jocioni@easyline.com.br
Comments : I left Zamalek Cairo in 1956 or 57. I was part of the Italian community. I would like to find old friends. Edmond Said, Aziz Ezzat, Lina Langford and many others. Maybe someone will read this.
Name : Orly
Last address in Egypt :
Present address : Jerusalem
Date : 4 April 2005
email address : orlynur@yahoo.com
Comments : Fantastic site! Rich, informative and intimate - giving the reader an exciting peek into the Egyptian Jewish community of the past and present. Thanks!
Name : Batia Tal
Last address in Egypt : Al-tatwig, Alexandria
Present address : Israel
Date : 18.03.05
email address : batiatl@013.net.il
Comments : As I have already written, i was thrilled to find this site. My maiden name was: Berthe Yampolsky. I studied at the Scottish School for Girls in Alexandria. Il be very happy to hear from any old friends 0r students from the old days. Batia Tal
Name : avraham bentata(barav)
Last address in Egypt : Heliopolis
Present address : Israel , Adi
Date : 28/03/2005
email address : avraham@barav,com
Comments : I am interested in jewish life in cairo between 1936-1947 has anyone memories to share.
Name : ruth harpaz
Last address in Egypt :
Present address : israel
Date : 27/3/2005
email address : ruthsara@hotmail.co.il
Comments : i was very glad to find this web site.my parents came from egypt to israeel 1953 and iwas born in haifa.iheard many stories from my ant and grandparents.i am also glade to find informatin about the NACHMAN family from Yanina that came to Alexandria.i have
Name : Yaser Ayoub
Last address in Egypt : Cairo
Present address : Cairo
Date : 2005
email address : yayoub@ahram.org.eg
Comments : I am a sports editor, I am looking forward to any information about jews sports history in egypt, their clubs, heroes or championships
Name : Tova Avnery
Last address in Egypt : 92 Ell Tatwig Street, Alexandria
Present address : Israel
Date : March 19th, 2005
email address : tova_a1@netvision.net.il
Comments : I am very glad to have reached your site. I was born in Alexandria My maiden name was Tony Yampolsky and I studied at the Scottish School for Girls, Alexandria. There I received my Matriculation. I left Egypt in 1950. I will be glad
Name : ernest ayathuray
Last address in Egypt :
Present address : blk.76 marine drive #04-05 singapore 440076
Date : 14/03/2005
email address : ernest.at@pacific.net.sg
Comments : I visited israel from jan 10 to 19 jan 2005. spend four days in jerusalem. since there have been interested reading up on all things jewish - past, present and future. very surprised to come onto this site.also very interested to visit egypt soon.
Name : Victor Loulou
Last address in Egypt : Rue Naklhla el Motei
Present address : 9315 rue Herve
Date : 4 March 2005
email address : v_loulou@hotmail.com
Comments : I would like to get in touch with my old friends from Egypt and College de La Salle at Khoronfich. I am trying to find some roots of my family (cousins)I would like to know about a girl living in the same building in Heliopolis she is in Australia
Name : Freddy Profeta
Last address in Egypt : 49 rue Falaki Le Caire
Present address : 18 rue de Sèvres 92100 Boulogne
Date : 02 mars 2005
email address : f.profeta@free.fr
Comments : Bonjour tous les amis et amies Des nouvelles de Nicole Braunstein me feraient plaisir Merci
Name : Victor Sonsino
Last address in Egypt : Alexandria
Present address : London NW8
Date : Feb 2005
email address : victor.sonsino@unisys.com
Comments : Born Aex.in 1946 . Attended British Boys School . Left 1957. Would like to hear from any one who knew me , especially from BBS.
Last address in Egypt : 1 Rue El Haroun El rasheedy,Heliopolis
Present address : Adelaide South autsralia
Date : 02/03/2005
email address : princeofegypt7@hotmail.com / Adel.makkar@transport.sa.gov.au
Comments : I finished school AT College De La Salle Daher 1969, Then did Dentistry In Alexandria and I was border at College St Mark, Alexandrie till 1976, I am looking for any one who resided at St Mark during this time and in particular, Addou Taeilab, Michell G.
Name : Balta
Last address in Egypt : 117 Rue Ambroise Rally, Ibrahimieh
Present address : 12 Avenue Simon Bolivar, 75019 Paris
Date : 25 fevrier 2005
email address : paul.balta@wanadoo.fr
Comments : Je suis toujours heureux de retrouver des Alexandrins. J'explique pourquoi dans l'introduction de mon dernier livre Boire et Manger en Mediteranee (Actes Sud,2004) et dans le precedent La Mediterranee des Juifs (LHarmattan, 2003) ou j'evoque le ...
Name : jacques Issai
Last address in Egypt : camp cesar alexandrie
Present address : melbourne australlie
Date : 23 /2 / 2005
email address : jackissai@optusnet.com.au
Comments : WHILE LOOKING FOR AN OLD FRIENDS ADDRESS I STUMBLED ON YOUR SITE IT HAS BROUGHT BACK A LOT OF MEMORIES ALL GOOD ONES. I WAS BORN IN ALEX IN 1941 WENT TO UJE SAINT MARC ECOLE JABES THEN SAINT ANDREWS LEFT IN 62 FOR FRANCE STAYED THERE FOR A WHILE AND NOW FOR THE LAST 40 YEARS AM IN AUSTRALIA. This is my second day at this site. I'm very excited about this. Once again I would like to impose on you. I am trying to find a very old friend of mine with the family name of Adout (Salomon known as Moni). He used to live at both Alexandria and Cairo.
Name : christiane gatt
Last address in Egypt : port fouad
Present address : wollongong - australia
Date : 22.2.2005
email address : batcio@hotmail.com.au
Comments : left Egypt sept. 1956.Attended Bon Pasteur at Port Fouad.Mlle Simone was my teacher.I was a member of the Ames Valliantes at school.Does that school still exist? I also went to church called La Famille au desert. Is it still there?.
Name : DANA
Last address in Egypt : ZAMALEK
Present address :
Date : 20 FEB 2005
email address : shoshana61@hotmail.com
Comments : Very interested to know about the Papouchado family from Cario, in particular Maurice Papouchado. Also if you have information about Leon Dana who was my great grand father....anything would be helpful.
Name : Freddy Lehine, sister Aline
Last address in Egypt : 19 Rue Adly Pasha, Caire
Present address : California
Date : 2-15-05
email address : mreutlin@hotmail.com
Comments : Norma Pecchioli Carmelli, Raisy and brother Willy Conradi. Am receiving your e-mails but my replies are not reaching you. If anyone knows their whereabouts please let me know.
Name : Berrebbi,EDGAR
Last address in Egypt : Ibrameiha
Present address : Rhode island
Date : 10-22-04
email address : eberebi@AOL.COM
Comments : looking for my old friends who lived in 5 rue de prince 3th floor alexandria. Especially my friend George {coptic] and Ali , left egypt in 1961.
Name : Michael
Last address in Egypt : Carydakis
Present address : 15 sweetlands court mount martha australia vic
Date : 22 .10 .04
email address : baytek@iprimus.com.au
Comments : hi this a great paper im looking forward to more articles keep up the good work.
Name:Claudie Cohen/Harari
Last address in Egypt: Adli Basha/Zamlek
Present address:New York
Date: 2/9/05
email address: ach1@nyc.rr.com
Comments: This is quite unreal.I graduated from the LFC in 1952. Left Egypt in 58. My joy is my children and grandchildren.If anyone has some information on Claude Levy from Alexandria please advise, he lives in Rio (Brasil)Would be happy to hear from anyone else.
Name: Elsie Chalem-Belleli
Last address in Egypt: 1 Rue Aziz osman, Zamalek, Caire
Present address: 2000 Linwood avenue, fort Lee, 07024 USA
Date: February 9, 2005
email address: elisabchalem@worldnet.att.net
Born in 1937, I am the daughter of Flix Belleli and Edith Hadjes. I left Cairo in October 1956 for France then in 1959 the USA. I spent 10eme, 9eme and 8eme grade at the Lyçée Français du Caire then transfered to the Lyçée Franco Egyptian de Zamalek.
Name: Claire Mizrahi Berke
Last address in Egypt: 176 khedive Ismail
Present address: Los Angeles
email address: claimiz@sbcglobal.net
Jai quitte Le Caire en 56 juste avant la guerre. Jai ete au Lycee de Bab-el-Louk, le TTc. Jaimerais savoir des nouvelles dune amie Mireille(je ne me rappelle plus de son nom de famille)elle sest marie et partie pour le Bresil. elle habitait pres de lAmeric
Last address in Egypt: RUE MANCINI(ALEXANDRIE)
Present address: Paris
Date: 04.02.2005
email address: severine.sellem@neuf.fr
Comments: Je suis le fils de Josephine Fermon que tout le monde appelait BISSAa l'epoque. Ma Maman est nee en 1933 a Alexandrie et depuis notre plus tendre enfance, nous berce avec de si belles histoires sur sa vie qui ressmble presque a un conte de fee!
Name: Beinisch
Last address in Egypt: 9 rue Adel Abou Bakr, Zamalek
Present address: Israel
Date: 03/02/2005
email address: beinisch@maltar.org.il
Comments: Je suis ne en 1943 a Zamalek dans la villa de mon grand pere Aslan Vidon dont la femme Gilda Vidon etait la fondatrice de lasile de veillards.votre site ma ramene 48 ans en arriere jai quitte a 13 ans en 1956 je suis aussi le petit fils de Joseph Beinisch. Souhaite avoir des nouvelles de Gerry Maratchi, Andy Papouchado, andré Lagnado et dautres
Name: Racheline Aladjem
Last address in Egypt: Cairo
Present address: Australia
email address: lynn.rogers@adelaide.edu.au
Comments: I was born in Cairo in 1945. My father was Victor Aladjem and my mother was Fortunee (Fifi) Hassan. But my birth certificate was lost when they went to France and eventually to Australia. Does anyone know how I can get a record of my birth certificate?
Name: Jacques Sussmann
Last address in Egypt: 44 rue Falaki, Cairo
Present address:7/47 Sutherland Rd., Armadale, Vic. 3143, Australia
Date: 27 January 2005
email address: sussmann@bigpond.net.au
Comments: I would love to hear from long lost friends.
Name: Claude Gozlan
Last address in Egypt: Rue Kasr el nil, Cairo
Present address: Florida
email address: gozgolf5@aol.com
Comments: Looking for a Maurice Grunstein or Grunshtein, from Cairo, must be around 70...Please advise
Last address in Egypt: HELIOPOLIS
Present address: KINSHASA
Date: 5.1.05
email address: elieruth@yahoo.fr
Comments: I would be interested to consult the data base of the Bassam Cemetery where many members of my family were buried. Is there a special site for loading? Can I have an email address for eventual contact Really I am amazed by the magnificent work which ha
Name: Leonie Mograbi
Last address in Egypt: 102 Rue port Said, Alexandrie
Present address: Florida, USA
email address: leona holland@adelphia.net
Comments: Born in 1947 went to Lycee de l'union juife and Lycee Francais left in 1961. My dad had a restaurant by cinema Alhambra Salomon Foul and Falafel I have 2 older sisters Sophie and Lili, We also went to the Jabes school.
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C O N T A C TJewish Community Council (JCC) of Cairo# 13 Sabil El Khazindar Street Midan al-Geish, Abbassia, Cairo Egypt
tel: +20 2 2482-4613 - tel/fax +20 2 2736-9639 |
open daily 10:00 to 15:00 Friday 10:00 to 17:00 Sunday closed
Ben Ezra Synagogue in Fostat (Old Cairo) For visits to other Cairo synagogues or Bassatine Cemetery contact JCC
please note the Jewish Community Council of Alexandria is an independent entity separate from the Jewish Community Council of Cairo