BASSATINE NEWS the ONLY Jewish newsletter reporting directly from Egypt
A Community Chronicle put out by the Jewish Community Council (JCC) of Cairo since 1995
Name: David Pinto
Last address in Egypt: did not live in Egypt
Present address: 1240 du Fort, #301, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3H 2B6
Date: Dec. 25, 2002.
email address:
Comments: Very moving and very interesting. I will write again. Thank you. Todah rabah.
Name: Raymond Kuredjian
Last address in Egypt: Cairo
Present address: Toronto, Canada
Date: 25 December 2002
email address:
Comments: A wonderful webite, keep up the good work.
Name: buenavida irene
Last address in Egypt: 38 rue falaki midan bab el loul le caire
Present address: 2991 jean talon west montreal .quebec h3r3l4 canada
Date: dec 23 th 2002
email address:
Comments: je suis a la recherche des juifs degypte qui se trouve a montreal afin de les recroupper et dorganizer une communaute juifs dorigine egyptienne sil y a du monde qui sera interresse veuillez s.v.p. communiquer avec moi au 514-342-0033 .jai lintention de fa
Name: Fathy Abdel Sattar
Last address in Egypt: Sirs El Lyan- Menoufiah
Present address: 10, rue Racine. 1202 Genève. Suisse
Date: 20 Decebre 2002
email address:
Comments: As you may see of my name, Im not Jewish but nevethless Egyptian-Suisse. Im new to this address and happy to know about it. As part of this great country Im very much interested to expand my knowledge of its Jewish Community. Thank you very much for your
Name: Sharifa O. Islam
Last address in Egypt: Zamalek, Cairo
Present address: Kuwait
Date: 17 December, 2002
email address:
Comments: What a great site! I only wish it were updated more often..
The Jewish community in Egypt, together with all those who believe in peace, can be a powerful force in promoting understanding and cooperation between Jews and Arabs, far away from politicians.
Name: Hinds Blas-Wilson
Last address in Egypt:
Present address: Petaluma, CA
Date: Dec 5 2002
email address:
Comments: I would like to come and visit the Jewish community in Cairo in January/February -- at the email above I am hoping that someone will write me and invite me. My synagogue here would like to know more about the community there. We need to show solidarity as
Name: emmanuel amen
Last address in Egypt: 52 mohammed farid st.
Present address: 52 mohammed farid st.
Date: 1/12/2002
email address:
Comments: I am south african born in new castle,australia preparing my convertion to judaism since 1999 here in cairo,I ask any religious teaching help,please.
Name: Elvira Costi de Dentes
Last address in Egypt: 21, Soliman Pasha, Cairo
Present address: Caracas - Venezuela
Date: Nov. 30,2002
email address:
Comments: I am born in Cairo Egypt. Have graduated from High-School at St. Clares College, Heliopolis in 1953 and would like to get in touch with friends who have attended school at that time. I live in Caracas, Venezuela since 1957. I love to read the Bassatine News.
Last address in Egypt : Bab el louk
Present address : Paris
Date : 2002
email address :
Comments : Jai quitte en 1957 (14 ans).
Jétais au College Français du Daher (1952-1956) je recherche danciens camarades de classe
Name: Michael Winn
Last address in Egypt:None
Present address:13 Stratton Street, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Comments:Very nice and interesting site! Shalom and good luck!
Name: Esther Rizzolo
Last address in Egypt: Alexandria
Present address: New York
email address:
Comments:I am very glad to find this site. I was born in Alexandria and my father was a "mohel."
Name: Thomas Schmidinger
Last address in Egypt: Funduq Dahab
Present address: Hollergasse 32/11, 1150 Vienna, Austria
email address:
Comments: You made a great site and I'm really happy to read Jewish news directly from Egypt. I already tried to contact you at my visits in Egypt, because I would like to make a civil service for the Jewish community in Cairo or Alexandria.
Name: Hemsi Ketty
Last address in Egypt:rue tigrane Alexandrie
Present address: 10 rue Paul Bodin Paris 17
email address:
Comments: Fille du Maestro Alberto Hemsi de la Grande Synagogue d'Alexandrie et élève au Lycée de l'Union Juive à Alexandrie jusqu'en Août 1957.
Name: Elsa Falksohn
Last address in Egypt: 2 Sharia Serag El Dim
Present address: 10 Mt. Eden Park, Belfast, BT9 6RA, Northern Ireland
Date: April 2, 2002
email address:
Comments: You are doing such a marvelous job keeping all our history intact. We would like to check some of the Rabbinate Records of our family, but I am sure that this must be very troublesome with the several languages and research skills necessary.
Name: Sherif
Last address in Egypt: Heliopolis
Present address: California
Date: April/3/2002
email address:
Comments:I hope that the members of the Egyptian Jewish community in Cairo and anywhere in Egypt are safe during these hard times
Name: Halima Krausen
Last address in Egypt:
Present address:
Date: 2002-04-05
email address:
Comments: I'm glad I found this very interesting website of yours. The only thing I think is missing is an update. Best wishes. Halima Krausen
Name: Avi Bivas
Last address in Egypt:
Present address: Israel
Date: 10 April 2002
Comments:My father, Samuel Bivas born 11/9/11 is the uncle of Becky Bivas whos wedding photo is one the site.
Name: Michael Hargreaves
Last address in Egypt:N/A
Present address: High Garth, Potkiln Lane, Jordans Bucks. HP9 2XA. England.
Date: 14th April 2002
email address:
Comments: I would love to hear from anyone who knew my late mother Sylvie Hargreaves,nee Suares,or grandparents Ferdinand and Henriette Suares,who lived in Garden City Cairo, or any of our Cattaui relations.
Name: Esther Sidi
Last address in Egypt: Rouchdi Alexandria
Present address: hallandale florida
Date: May5 ,2002
email address:
Comments: Looking for friends from Alexandria who remember me. I was born Cohen my parents names were Alice and Joseph. I married Alexander Sidi. Contact me at 502-954-4547883
Name: Ettel Kattan nee Jaffe
Last address in Egypt:
Present address: Melbourne, Australia
email address:
Comments: Becky Bivas and Victor Pardo in there wedding photo are my aunt and uncle the little girl sitting on the floor in the photo is me. Nice site, well done.
Name: Andrée Zeitouneh Baroukh
Last address in Egypt: Rue Tanis-Alexandrie
Present address: São Paulo-Brésil
email address:
Comments: I've loved your site. You are doing a wonderful job. Thank you. I was born in Alexandria, in 1942 and I studied at the Lycée de L'Union Juive. I left Egypt with my family in January 1957. I am living presently in São Paulo-Brazil. I would like very much t
Name: Mohamad salama
Last address in Egypt: Cairo
Present address: Long Island,NY
email address:
Comments: my best wishes to everyone. I was very happy to find your site because for many years I wanted to anything about our Jewish people.. As you see from my name I'm an Egyptian Moslem.
Name: Albagli Alain
Last address in Egypt: 51 abou bakr el seddik heliopolis
Present address: Ottawa, Canada
Date:may 2002
email address:
Comments: J'etais au lycee franco egyptien d'heliopolis. passee math elem et tawguihaya en 1958.
Name: Teri O'Rourke
Last address in Egypt:
Present address: PO Box 584 Crested Butte, CO 81224
Date: May 22, 2002
email address:
Comments: Working on family tree, including Polacks, Nacamuli, Pereire, Baruch all in Alexandria. Please contact me at above email to help me.
Name: Solomon Gabbay
Last address in Egypt: 182 Farouk St. Cairo
Present address: P.O.Box 2841, Del Mar, Ca 92014,USA
email address:
Comments: Who is defending or going to defend the Human Rights of all Egyptian Jews expelled from Egypt in 1956-1957???
Name: Benoit Gabbay
Last address in Egypt: 182 Farouk St
Present address: Haifa, Israel
Date: Jan 27, 2002
Comments: Born in Cairo,. attended College Francais du Daher and Lycee Francais de Bab El Louk. Left Egypt in 1957. Any friends interested to communicate, please get in touch via e-mail. Best wishes! Benoit.
Name: Lawrence Batlan
Last address in Egypt: Sorry, not a visitor until now
Present address: 52 Ravona St.,Clifton,N.J.,USA
Date: Jan.30,2002
email address:
Comments: Your home page was very interesting to me. Ms.Carmen Weinstein's work is amazing. May God bless her and keep her well.
Name: Lewis B. Sckolnick
Last address in Egypt: Cairo
Present address: Leverett MA USA
Date: 29 I 2002
email address:
Comments: Looking for anyone with the last name ZIMERFOGEL or ZIMERFOIGEL.
Name: Elvira Costi de Dentes
Last address in Egypt: 21 Soliman Pasha St, Cairo, Shaldjian Building by Passage Baehler
Present address: Caracas - Venezuela
Date: February 08, 2002
email address:
Comments: I was born in Heliopolis and studied at St. Clare's School from 1942 and graduated from high school in 1953. I was a boarder for 7 years and after this I was a day pupil. I would greatly appreciate receiving news from my school with pictures if possible.
Name: Ronald Harari
Last address in Egypt: 9, Rue Ahmad Kamha Bey-Koubeh Garden-Cairo
Present address:São Paulo-Brazil
email address:
Comments: I studied at the Collège des Frères Daher,and was member in Shell Club. We left Cairo in 1962 and went to Brazil. I'd like to speak with other Egyptians. Naturellement je parle le Français et le Portuguais.
Name: Ida Silberman nee Feigenbaum
Last address in Egypt: Sporting
Present address: Israel
email address: Ida
Comments: Left Alexandria with my family in 1958 for South Africa. Went to the Lycee Francais. My father name was Ignace, does anyboby remember us?
Name: Ginette Abada
Last address in Egypt: 6 rue Kasr-El-Nil le Caire
Present address: Kiriat-Haim Israel
email address:
Comments: C'est par hasard et par chance que je suis tombee sur votre site.Tres interessant et touchant.Je suis nee au Caire en 1944 et je l'ai quitte en 1957. J'ai un cousin a Sao Paulo il s'apelle Andre Toueg, son pere s'appellait Armando Soriano Toueg.
Name: Lesley Warrington/tuby
Last address in Egypt:none
Present address: Malton, UK
email address:
Comments:I have found your site by entering "Tuby" into the search facility. i am researching the origins of my family name of Tuby and have found an entry on your site for a Felix Tuby.
Name: Igor Kogut
Last address in Egypt:
Present address: Brooklyn, New York City, USA
Date: 2-28-2002
email address:
Comments:Interesting site. I have nothing to do with Egypt but I am Jewish. I am from the former Soviet Union, now in New York city. Just learning about fellow Jews from other walks of life.
Name: Joseph (bokhor) Costi
Last address in Egypt: Kaed Bey, Heliopolis
Present address:
email address:
Comments: Costi family???get in touch
Name: Piero Calzolari
Last address in Egypt: Alexandria, Sh. El Horria ex Fouad
Present address: Milan - Italy
email address:
Comments: It is a refreshing dive into the past. No regrets
Name: Shlomo Khayat
Last address in Egypt: Cairo
Present address: Jerusalem
email address:
Comments: Born in Heliopolis 1932.Graduated in architecture Cairo University 1955. Head of Khayat Architects in Jerusalem, Israel.
Name: Yoram East
Last address in Egypt: Garden City
Present address: Winnipeg, Canada
Date:mer 11 2002
email address:
Comments: Good luck from Canada ..... I love Cairo!!!!!! Lived there for 1 year in 1987.... Was with Ha'aretz daily. Yoram
Name : josette cohen
Last address in Egypt : rue 12 no. 39 Maadi
Present address : Oxford,UK
Date : 27/12/2001
email address :
Comments : Would love to hear from lycee francais du caire pupils from 1942 to 1955
Name : Elie Dayan
Last address in Egypt : Heliopolis,Egypt
Present address : Montreal,Canada
Date : 01-01-2002
email address :
Comments : Born in Egypt and immigrated to Caracas,Venezuela in 1958, then in Montreal in 1968.Seeking news from my cousins Yolande in Italy,and Rosette and Eliot in Israel, and my friends in the Lycee Francais d'Heliopolis,
attending school with me from 1944 to 195
Name : Barouk Nancy
Last address in Egypt :
Present address :
Date : 1/4/02
email address :
Comments : My father, Jakoub Baroukh and his family lived in Port Said before they left in the 60's. My grandfather Nessim Baroukh had a shop, Who can tell me anything about my family?
Name : Racheline Greenberg Schwartz
Last address in Egypt : Rue Heliopolis, Alexandria
Present address : Connecticut, USA
Date : January 5, 2002
email address :
Comments : I was 9 years old when we left Alexandria in 1956. My Mother's maiden Namewas Ascer and my Grandfather's Namewas Haroon Ascer. I went to the Scottish School for Girls in Alexandria and to the Union Juive in Alexandria. I was born in Cairo in my Grandmother's house. I would like to hear from anyone who remembers my brothers and sisters.Jocelyne,Freddy,Marcel &Denise Grunberg.
Name : Levi
Last address in Egypt : Rue Tigrane Alex?
Present address : UK/BE
Date : 09/01/02
email address :
Comments : Looking for people who knew my fater or my uncles : Joe, Robert, Henri/Enrico Levi in both Alexandria and Cairo. TNX
Name : Tony TAWAF
Last address in Egypt : Rue Daher, DAHER
Present address : SYDNEY - AUSTRALIA
Date : 1968
email address :
Comments : I was so excited when my friends gave me your website address, I had many jewish friends from school College De La Salle;I have lost contacts, now I'm searching for Lionel Benjamin, who left Egypt in 1968 with
his family migrated to France, please let me
Name : Becky Pardo(nee Bivas)
Last address in Egypt : Cairo and Alexandria
Present address : Bat-Yam,Israel
Date : January 17, 2002
email address :
Comments : J'ai trouve ce site tres interessant. J'ai pu retrouver avec joie des connaissances de la periode ou j'habitais Le Caire (avant mon mariage 1948).. Quelqu'un pourrait-il me renseigner sur l'etat des tombes de mes grands parents: Menahem Yanir et Rebec
Name : Victor Pardo
Last address in Egypt : Cleopatra -Alexandrie
Present address : Bat-Yam - Israel
Date : January 17, 2002
email address :
Comments : Bravo, un site excellent qui sans doute aide à retrouver des connaisances d'antan ! Je suis né à Alexandrie en 1923. J'ai fait mes études au Lycée Français d'Alexandrie. Ceux qui me reconnaissent peuvent me contacter à mon adresse e-mail. J'ai quitté l'E
Name : suzanne dichy
Last address in Egypt : 46, rue el Falaky
Present address : mathildenstr.5e 82319 Starnberg, Germany
Date : 17 january 2002
email address :
Comments : j'ai quitté le caire en 1965. J'espère retrouver via internet des copains du club ou du lycée
Issue 1 |
Issue 2 |
Issue 3 |
Issue 4 |
Issue 5 |
Issue 6 |
Issue 7 |
Issue 8 |
Issue 9 |
Issue 10 |
Issue 11 |
Issue 12 |
Issue 13 |
Issue 14 |
Issue 15 |
Issue 16 |
Issue 17 |
Issue 18 |
Issue 19 |
Issue 20 |
Issue 21 |
Issue 22 |
Issue 23 |
Issue 24 |
Issue 25 |
Issue 26 |
Issue 27 |
Issue 28 |
Issue 29 |
Issue 30 |
Issue 31 |
Issue 32 |
Issue 33 |
Issue 34 |
Issue 35 |
Issue 36 |
Issue 37 |
Issue 38 |
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Jewish Community Council (JCC) of Cairo
# 13 Sabil El Khazindar Street Midan al-Geish, Abbassia, Cairo Egypt
tel: +20 2 2482-4613 - tel/fax +20 2 2736-9639
mobile: 0122 2115915
from outside Egypt call
+20 122 2115915
Shaar Hashamayim Synagogue @ 17 Adly Street, downtown Cairo
open daily 10:00 to 15:00
Friday 10:00 to 17:00
Sunday closed
Ben Ezra Synagogue in Fostat (Old Cairo)
open daily 09:00 to 16:00
For visits to other Cairo synagogues or Bassatine Cemetery contact JCC
The JEWISH COMMUNITY COUNCIL of ALEXANDRIA (JCCA president: Youssef Ben Gaon) can be reached by email at:
and by telephone on +20 3 484-6189 or +20 3 486-3974 or by ordinary mail at
No. 69 Nebi Daniel Street, Alexandria, Egypt
please note the Jewish Community Council of Alexandria is an independent entity separate from the Jewish Community Council of Cairo
© Copyright Bassatine News
editor: SWR
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reproduction of photos from this website strictly forbidden
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