BASSATINE NEWS  the ONLY Jewish newsletter reporting directly from Egypt
A Community Chronicle put out by the Jewish Community Council (JCC) of Cairo since 1995




   Desire L. Sakkal - 12/31/98 06:09:12
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Cairo
Presently Resident of:: Brooklyn, NY
Comments:  Dear Friends
We received following communique from one of our community suffering from cancer. Her request is to find her daughter whom she gave up at birth at the Israeli hospital in Cairo. This is her written request through her lawyer.
QUOTE--I am trying to locate a woman who was born in August of 1958 in Cairo, Egypt under the medical care of Dr. Boccara. His first name is either Dr. Joseph Boccara, or Dr. Maurice Armand Boccara (Imn Ades, Alfi Street). This doctor left Egypt in approximately 1958-60. He worked in the Israeli hospital in Cairo. The baby he "temporarily" cared for may have been named SILVANA BOCCARA.
Upon information and belief, he may have relocated to Switzerland, France or, more likely, the United States. It is even possible that he may have settled in Italy.
Due to the critical condition of this woman, she feels that it's crucial that her daughter be made aware of her true birth-mother. Your kind assistance is greatly appreciated--UNQUOTE
Any one with any information concerning the above please let us know as soon as possible since time is of essence.
Regards--Desire L Sakkal
Fax 718-998-2497

Jeff Malka - 12/27/98 22:37:24
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: none
Presently Resident of: USA
Comments:  Milles mabrouk! This is a wonderful site. Though I am not from Egypt my mother, Dora Goldenberg, was born in Egypt and told me many wonderful things about Cairo in the 1920-40s. Any information your readers might have about the Goldenbergs of Cairo would be greatly appreciated. Pascal Goldenberg was an optician in Cairo circa 1930-50.
Congratulations on the wonderful work Mrs Weinstein is doing and the informative site you are providing for us.
Jeff Malka

Moise Levi - 12/22/98 00:15:38
My Email:
Presently Resident of:: Belgium and Mexico
Comments:   Greetings! My father, Jacques Levi, was born in Cairo, attended the British Mission School, he then emigrated to the Congo where I was born. His father was Salomon Levi, married to Judith Tarica.

Guy HARARI - 12/06/98 10:55:46
My Email:
Presently Resident of:: France
Comments:   My parents Ezra Selim Harari (born Cairo 4 July 1927) and Regina Nassi (born Suez 28 July 1924) live in Sao Paulo - Brazil. It's very interesting to see that man people are trying to get in touch with old friends and remember of the old times. Congratulations for the work you are doing. I was born in Sao Paulo and living in Paris for the last 2 years.

Irene Pappis Merhy - 11/29/98 21:53:06
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Ibrahmieh, Alexandria
Presently Resident of: New York USA
Comments:   I came upon this site yesterday through a friend, and was moved to tears. Congratulations for a wonderful project.
I wonder if someone could help me locate a long lost friend from Alexandria. Gisele Arbib. She used to live in Rue Toussoun in Alexandria and was an only child. She had just got married with a German or Austrian tourist and since then I lost contact. It was in 1964. I live in New York, and would love to get news from any long lost friends. My mother was Fortunee Sebton, married to Georges Pappis. She passed away in 1984 while we lived in Belgium. Hope to get in touch with some of you around the world.

Sandy Logan - 11/28/98 23:12:20
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: My father, Henry Lévy (?) lived at 20 Rue Tigrane
Presently Resident of: Deceased last year, one brother in UK
Comments:   First,my compliments to this site... It was extremely touching to know that someone is taking care of preserving the cemetery where my grandfather might be buried. I know that my father was particularly concerned to know that all was allright in Egypt. Furthermore, this is an appeal to anyone who might have known my father or brother when they lived in Egypt. Both were born in Egypt in 1936 and 1942. Their father was Mario Levy, married to an English lady. I know they lived at Rue Tigrane at some time and in Alex when my father was very young. My father, Henry, and his brother went to school at the Lycee Français and also were taught by le Pere Antaki (what school?). I would like to learn more about my father's youth and about the life in Cairo and Alexandria before 1956.
Should you have any information that you wish to pass on, I would be very grateful to you. Thank you very much and keep maintaining this site, please...
Best wishes to all of you
Sandy Logan

Victor Shamaria Aramati - 11/26/98 02:34:26
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: 3, Rue Haroun El Rashid, Heliopolis
Presently Resident of: Boston, Massachusetts
Comments:   What a wonderful site! I was born in Cairo in 1945. I went to the College Des Freres, Heliopolis, then to the Lycee La Liberte (quelle liberte?) and did 2 years at Cairo U, Engineering School. My family names are: on my mother side Benzakein and Roucho; on my father's side, Aramati and Sidicaro. I left Egypt in 1964 and came to snowy New England later that year. I have very fond memories of the Lycee. Let me know, if you know the whereabouts of a close friend of mine at the time, Maurice Cohen. I have relatives in Brazil, Australia, Switzerland, Venezuela and many in Israel. I would like to hear from you!

Salomon Costi - 11/20/98 05:08:36
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Cairo
Presently Resident of: Caracas Venezuela

DANOUS Patrick - 11/17/98 22:25:43
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: parents born in Cairo
Presently Resident of:: FRANCE
Comments:   I am looking for any information concerning my family. My parents were born in Cairo in 1921 et 31. My grandmother's birth name was Charbani and my grandfather was born in Bagdad and migrated to Cairo at the beginning of the century.

HARARI MAYER - 11/12/98 14:23:23
Last Address In Egypt: 221, RUE Port Said (FORMER RUE TIGRANE 15)
Presently Resident of: ISRAEL
Comments:   Can't express my joy reading the typical Egyptian names I miss so much! It seems that nostalgia is too weak to describe the enthusiasm i read and read the comments if anyone from the years 1956 - 1962, knows me, either from my home address or from the famous Sporting Synaguogue (I was bar mitzva’d in 1959) or from the St. Andrew’s Scottish school on Pereira Street Alexandria, please contact. Many of may friends and acquaintances are now in USA, France, Australia , Brasil. Would me more than glad to hear from you!

Alan Golin Gass - 11/10/98 23:50:33
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Marriott Hotel, Cairo, 12/91.
Presently Resident of:: Always in Denver, Colorado, USA
Comments:   Not for me, but for my wife and half family of my grandfather, who have the names Speken or Spoker and Pellisch, from Palencia in Spain. Do either of those ring any bells Sephardi-land? Thanks.
Alan G. Gass, FAIA

Silvia Levy - 11/08/98 22:26:04
My Email:
Presently Resident of:: Brasil
Comments:   Entrei no site por acaso e vendo o tema do cemitério Bassatine percebi que meu bisavó deve estar enterrado nele. Sue nome era Jacob Levy e deve ter falecido por volta de 1922. A obra de Carmem Weinstein é notável e deveria ter mais divulgação para que pos a ser ajudada. Parabéns!

Robert Boubli - 11/04/98 14:47:09
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Amir Ibrahim Street - Alexandria
Presently Resident of:: italy

Fatma Bassiouni - 11/02/98 15:35:16
My Email:
Presently Resident of:: Cairo, Egypt
Comments:   One of the most unfortunate consequences of the Arab-Israeli conflict is that it caused the uprooting of the c. 2,000 year old Egyptian Jewish community. The splendor and tolerance of that 'la belle epoque' age in Egypt will be forever treasured by those who experienced it, and for those of us who didn't, we will continue to try and reclaim it. In the meantime, thank you for preserving the MEMORY of a once illustrious Jewish community in Egypt. Sincerely,
Fatma Bassiouni

Claude Chemtob - 10/28/98 23:22:12
Last Address In Egypt: 13 Rue Gameh Sharkass Cairo
Presently Resident of:: Miami Beach Florida
Comments:   I am looking for Gaby Setton who's parents owned Bagatelle Store in Cairo. I left Egypt in 1957 and lost contact with him. Any information will be very appreciated.

Raymond Chemtob - 10/22/98 08:00:22
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: 13 Sharia Gameh Charkass
Presently Resident of: New York, USA
Comments:   Born in Egypt 24 November 1926 raised in Cairo and went to school at College Francais and College de la Sainte Famille (Jesuites): still in contact with most of my best friends all over the world. Married in Cairo with 3 children, 2 born in Cairo and 1 in New York. Would like to hear more of our famous community. Father was banker, stockbroker and "Royal family businessman. Buried in Bassatine cemetary in 1945. Mother deceased in Montreal 1996. For those who know me or my family contact my email

Liliane Elia Saltiel - 10/18/98 02:57:37
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Rue Esnah, Alexandria
Presently Resident of:: New York
Comments:   I was born in Alexandria in 1945. I went to the Ecole Jabes, then to the Lycee de l'Union Juive and finally to the Lycee Francais. I have very fond memories of Egypt. Most of my friends in New York are from Egyptian descent. If anyone reading this message is from the same background, contact me.

Lucille Abouaf Gentry - 10/14/98 21:22:24
My Email:
Presently Resident of: Martinez, California.
Comments:   I am interested to hear from anyone that might have known my mother Rebecca Marguerite Roditti or any of the other Roditti family members. Her mother was Fortunee Ades Roditti. Fortunee's parents were Nissim and Hannah Ades. Thank you.
Lucille Gentry

Louise Zarmati - 10/11/98 08:44:07
My Email:
Presently Resident of:: Australia
Comments:   My father's family left Egypt in 1943 and migrated to Australia after the War. We have never known the origin of our surname and I am eager to make contact with anyone who knew the Zarmati or Nahum family who lived in Cairo. I was born in Australia in 195?. My father, Maurice Zarmati was Jewish (he died in 1971) and my mother is Australian Catholic. When people ask me 'what is the origin of that unusual name?' I cannot give them a straight answer! Can anyone out there help me?!!!

Myra Gur-Arie Sonsino - 10/05/98 19:33:33
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Fouad St. Cairo
Presently Resident of: Jerusalem, Israel
Comments:   I was born on 1940 and learned at the Lycee Francais du Caire, would very much like to get in touch with anyone who also learned at same school or who knew the family. We left Egypt beginning 1957. Excellent site! Thank you for the opportunity!!!

Edgar Perez (Aboud) - 10/03/98 08:39:58
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: 89 Rue Tigrane Alexandrie
Presently Resident of: Haifa Israel
Comments:   Searching friends from Alexandria and members of Alphandery Family

Andre Weiser - 09/28/98 00:23:38
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Weiser Building, Cairo
Presently Resident of:: New Rochelle,NY,USA
Comments:   I was born in Cairo in 1950 and left in Dec 1957. My father and grandfather were pharmacists. My father who is almost 84 was a long-jump champion, he used to train at the Club National in Cairo. My first 2 years of school were at the Lycee Francais in Cairo. I have not yet been back. I would like to visit and bring my wife and daughter to show them where I am from. All my cousins, aunts, uncles etc are in France, England, Switzerland, Brazil or here in the USA. I intend to keep reading this journal. Good work

Sierpinski - 09/27/98 16:37:09
My Email:
Presently Resident of: Nancy (FRANCE)
Comments:   chana tova from the Jewish community of Nancy in France

David Jackson - 09/23/98 07:55:43
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: none
Presently Resident of: Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Salama Moise - 09/19/98 12:12:46
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: 44 rue de Thebes, Camp de Cesar, Alexandria
Presently Resident of: Belgium
Comments:   I have just discovered your site. Congratulations for all you are doing. Last time in Egypt in 1956. Bar Mitzva at the Cairo Synagogue. Student at College des Freres , Bab el Look, Cairo, then College St Marc, Chatby, Alexandria.I have lost all friends and contact.

Leon Yallouz - 09/15/98 21:52:57
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Rue El Nemr, le Caire
Presently Resident of: Rio de Janeiro, Brésil
Comments:   Thank you for a fantastic trip into the past. Congratulation for a superb good will and work. May God bless you all. BESSEFER HAYIM TOVIM VAARUHIM TIKATEVU VETEHATEMU.

Ofelia Chambers - 09/12/98 19:40:16
My Email:
Presently Resident of: Christchurch, New Zealand
Comments:   Dear friends:
Born in Venezuela, last year I discovered that 90% of my family has a Sephardic origin. I started to trace the origin of my family and discovered there is a place in Northern Egypt named "Mendes". It seems this place was related with the cult to Osiris and also it is mentioned in ocult rites of Baphomet or "The Goat of Mendes". Knowing that the sephardic names finishing in "es" or "ez" means "ben" or "son of", then Mendes would be "the son of Mendo". Would you help me to find the origin of this place in Egypt? Thanks, Ofelia

George Smith - 09/01/98 14:40:02
My Email:
Presently Resident of: Dallas TX USA
Comments:   Seeking info on family Efrati. Left Spain at the time of the Inquisition and settled first in Salonika and later scattered over other Mediterranean areas. Believe they lived in Valencia originally.

richard! becky levi - 08/29/98 08:43:30
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: 41 Rue Malaka Nazli, Alexandria
Presently Resident of:: 78 Boulevard Magenta, Paris 10
Comments:   Si quelqu'un connait l'ecole de la communauté juive d'alexandrie (Aghion) et Becky Cohen ou Richard Levi de 53 Prince Ibrahim et qui a frequenté le lycée francais d'alexandrie a CHATBY qu'il rentre en contact avec nous. CHALOM

Moise Rahmani - 08/29/98 07:28:43
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: in front of the Greek basilica, Heliopolis
Presently Resident of: Luxembourg
Comments:   Alf Mabrouk. Very nice site! I have established a link with you (please do so with us as we write intensively on Cairo.
Alf salamat
Moise Rahmani

Edgar Erez - 08/28/98 10:37:10
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: 89 Tigrane St Alexandria
Presently Resident of: Haifa
Comments:   I am interested in to renew with Alexandria friends living now in Israel. My former name was Edgar Aboud

Zaki Ovadia - 08/19/98 19:46:03
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: 12 Rashid Street, Heliopolis
Presently Resident of:: Canada/US
Comments:   Well done! I just discovered your web page and I am very impressed. I was born in Egypt and left with the family in 1962. Lived in Baltimore, Maryland for 13 years then moved to Canada where I lived with my wife and children until this January (1998) when we moved to the Seattle area. I had an opportunity to return to Egypt in 1983 when I stayed for 2 years working on a project on the Red Sea (Hurgada).
I plan to visit your page often...this is just great since it brings back memories. I am curious about who you are and how you got to start this endeavor.

Suzy Sidi - 08/17/98 20:57:09
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: 1 Rue Gawaher, Smouha, Alexandria
Presently Resident of: London, England
Comments:   I am so pleased to have found this site. I am retracing my roots and I am preparing a videofilm about the Jews of Egypt. I would very much appreciate any information regarding the circumstances of the immigration and life in Egypt prior to the Nationalization of Suez. I would like to get in touch with anyone born in 1945 who frequented 'Ecole Jabes' and who was in the 'treizieme'in 1956 at the Lycee Francais d'Alexandrie. I lost track of all my colleagues and friends. Where are you all? Please get in touch. Lots of love.

LENY HAKIM - 08/16/98 17:00:03
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: 27, rue Sheikh Hamza, Cairo
Presently Resident of: Tel Aviv, Israel
Comments:   I find your work very interesting, Please go on doing it, I shall be glad to contribute material asap I have such.

Tarek - 08/11/98 19:08:36
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Giza
Presently Resident of:: Giza
Comments:   Baruch haba! Your website is excellent as it tells some part of Egyptian history also it is about one of the Egyptian cultures many people don't know. Dreeshat Shalom!--Tarek

Leona Holland - 08/09/98 00:23:23
Last Address In Egypt: Alexandria
Presently Resident of: Florida
Comments:   I had a lot of fun reading all those comments from all the Egyptian people. I left Egypt in 1961, lived in Israel a few years than come to the USA, went to visit Israel and Egypt in 1988 with my husband and our two sons. I just want to mention that my father, Salomon Mograbi had a restaurant in Alexandria called "Salomon Foul and Falafel" next to the Al-Hambra Cinema. Does anybody remember my father or the restaurant?

Béréchit Gaston & Colette Galanti - 07/29/98 17:39:26
My Email: berechitgaston@sympatico,ca
Last Address In Egypt: Cairo
Presently Resident of: Montreal, Canada
Comments:   We have left Egypt in 1956 and we still feel very strongly for the country of our birth. I was lucky enough to be born in Alexandria where I went to school, and I lived in Upper Egypt where my family settled at the beginning of the century. My wife Colette is Cairene. We would welcome news from friends, relatives, and we would appreciate exchange of correspondence with Egyptians and former Egyptians. Qui a bu l'eau du Nil... Thanks for that window on Egypt.

Felix Benzakein - 07/26/98 21:47:58
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Fouad St
Presently Resident of:: Jerusalem Israel
Comments:   BRAVO ALEKOM! I left Cairo in 1950 visit it in 1984 I would like to know what happened to the grave of my father Jacques Benzakein who died in Cairo in 1936. Is it possible?

J. ACHER - 07/17/98 17:47:03
My Email: JAA144 @ AOL.COM
Presently Resident of: NEW JERSEY
Comments:   When I found this website, I was delighted. My father's family is from Egypt! PLEASE: ANYONE WHO KNOWS THE ACHER, MORY, AZOULAI OR BENROUBI FAMILIES OF CAIRO AND ALEXANDRIA E-MAIL ME . THANK YOU.I can't wait to show the pictures on this site to my grandather! He's going to be thrilled.

BS Mannlein - 07/11/98 19:44:26
My Email:
Presently Resident of:: Chicago, IL
Comments:   Fascinating!

Ben Nahman - 07/06/98 05:40:12
My Email:
Presently Resident of:: Los Angeles, Ca USA
Comments:   Just found this site. I help with Spanish genealogy, offered without charge, to help people find their historical roots. Data available, see lists on my web page.

Waleed Nassar - 07/02/98 08:31:10
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Cairo
Presently Resident of: Cairo
Comments:   Other than the Israeli and American Jews, are there really any Egyptian (native) Jews still living in Cairo? I know there used to be but they all left after 1967.

Hany K. Eldeib - 06/30/98 13:22:43
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: 21 Atbara St., Imbaba, Giza
Presently Resident of: USA
Comments:   Congratulations on your excellent site.

Jessica Attie - 06/27/98 03:10:15
My Email:
Presently Resident of: Washington, DC
Comments:   My family is originally from Egypt and Syria. I am looking for anyone who might know about families with the surname Bigio, Attie or Matalon.

Mark Eckman - 06/27/98 01:00:17
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Salamlik St., Garden City
Presently Resident of: Vienna, Va, USA
Comments:   Warm greetings to the Cairo Jewish Community from a former Cairo resident who wishes you well. I was very nostalgic for Cairo at this time of the year, because it was in mid-summer (1969) when I left for the last time. I remember that the mangos were in the markets-- enormous, ripe, and very juicy. Are the mangos at the height of their season in Cairo now? Sorry to bring up such a mundane subject... Anyway, ma a'slamah wa shalom.

Moshe Shaltiel - 06/24/98 16:41:18
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: father born in Cairo
Presently Resident of: USA
Comments:   I wonder if there is a directory for the cemetery of Cairo?

Jacques Sussmann - 06/21/98 14:30:54
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: 44 rue Falaki
Presently Resident of:: Melbourne, Australia
Comments:   Congratulations for a magnificent effort Mrs. Weinstein whom I had the pleasure of meeting on my brief visit to Cairo in December 1985.

Henry Taraboulos - 06/15/98 02:40:34
My Email: hammerbro1@aol
Last Address In Egypt: Choubra, Cairo
Presently Resident of: Overland Park, Ks
Comments:   Mabrouk on a very interesting site for all Jews from Egypt.

HARARI MAYER - 06/07/98 09:58:29
Presently Resident of:: HERZLIA ISRAEL

Dennis Epstein - 06/04/98 12:05:23
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Heliopolis
Presently Resident of: Aydney, australia
Comments:   Very interesting

fred Miller - 05/26/98 14:23:10
My Email:
Presently Resident of: New York City
Comments:   Glad to see this site up and running. Any families named MESQUITA in Cairo?

Taufiq - 05/26/98 11:03:06
My Email:
Presently Resident of:: Malaysia
Comments:   Hello there, I am a 21 year old Malaysian student and am fascinated of what is going on in the small community of Jews in Egypt. Have been to Egypt but scarcely remember anything as I was about 7 at that time. But if I may add a few things or comments you should have more on Jew history in Egypt, how well does the Jewish community assimilate in the Egyptian cultural society, and other important and relevant data of the Jews in Egypt. I find the Jewish community in general to be interesting, that's why I'm doing a research on you guys. Anyway, good site, thank you.

Allan Evans - 05/22/98 22:58:22
My Email:
Presently Resident of: New York
Comments:   Hope to send you information on a project to publish Cairo recordings by Ignace Tiegerman, who taught and performed in Cairo from 1931-1968.

Joseph Max Cohenca - 05/19/98 19:55:38
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Alexandria
Presently Resident of: Brazil

Vibeke Sealtiel Olsen - 05/19/98 08:04:11
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: (Alexandria - Cairo)
Presently Resident of: Amsterdam
Comments:   First visit to your site. I know that the Saltiel (Chaltiel, Shaltiel) also came from Cairo and Alexandria. I there anybody out there who know (knew) the Saltiel family in Egypt? I can help you renew contact so please mail me at

Natasha Shabat - 05/18/98 15:48:18
My Email:
Presently Resident of: USA

Ben Nahman - 05/18/98 07:54:25
My Email:
Comments:   First visit to your site. Salud y Shalom.

Claude Salama - 05/18/98 06:04:07
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Immobilia, 26 Cherif Pasha
Presently Resident of: Hillsborough, California
Comments:   I am writing for my husband. We are interested in any information you may have about his family. Thanks,
Vivian Salama

Calr Schoenfeld - 05/16/98 00:09:31
Presently Resident of:: NJ USA

Sam Galimidi - 05/12/98 16:02:27
Last Address In Egypt: Alexandria
Presently Resident of: Mexico-Los Angeles
Comments:   Good Work!

Halfon Hamaoui - 05/10/98 06:41:18
My Email:
Presently Resident of: ca
Comments:   It is a pleasure to hear news from Egypt all my respect to the president to keep our sfer torah where they are.

159 Liliana Brown (Cohen) - 05/07/98 21:03:15
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Immobilia, Cairo
Presently Resident of: Maryland, USA
Comments:   I was very glad to find some former Immobilia Building residents: Raymond Eskinazi. The name rings a bell but memory is a "Khazouk!!" Also, Joe and Claude Bentata and Aviva Khayat. Aviva was in school with me at the Lycee isn't it? Helene Zarmati Idem. Do you remember Liliane et Ginette Cohen 26 rue Cherif Pasha? If you read these lines please get in touch.
I have another email address at the office: Liliane Salamat.

John Erlich - 05/06/98 00:17:37
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Windsor Hotel
Presently Resident of: California, USA
Comments:   Ahalan! Izzayek!
Just wanted to say "Hello". I had a nice visit to Egypt in Jan 1995. I would like to go again soon. It would be nice to meet members of the Egyptian Jewish community. Also, is there anything that your community is lacking that U.S. Jews could help with? Let me know.
Shalom v'kul tov

Cathy - 05/04/98 01:41:52
My Email:
Presently Resident of: Murphys,Ca
Comments:   I greatly enjoyed your website. I have not had the opportunity to visit Egypt, and I am not Jewish, but was looking for information about the relationship of Jewish people and Egyptian people. I found your site through that search and have learned some interesting and encouraging things. Thank you and good luck with your endeavor to keep your community flourishing.

Helene Zarmati Kerem - 05/03/98 12:19:33
My Email: il
Last Address In Egypt: Midan el Adil, Zamalek, Cairo
Presently Resident of: Jerusalem, Israel
Comments:   Lovely to be in touch with some of the dispersed members of this community. Now that I have found your site I will follow the activities and please do contact me for anything you might need to know. There are other people I know of living in Jerusalem and elsewhere in Israel. A bientot donc.

Herbert Samuel - 04/28/98 22:04:21
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Alexandria
Presently Resident of: Maryland in the US
Comments:   BRAVO!

Stephen Papastephanou - 04/27/98 20:43:13
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: 39 Mazhar St. Zamalek
Presently Resident of: Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Comments:   Enjoying very much reading news from old Cairotes. I would like to let everyone know, that here in the USA, we are preparing a CD with recordings of the great pianist Ignace Tiegerman of (Conservatoire Tiegerman, Rue Champolion) who was my teacher, and who passed away in Cairo in 1968 and was burried in Bassatine. So many of us owe so much to this great man, and we are always in search of his students wherever they may be, to collect more anecdotes and information, to include in the booklet with the forthcoming CD.
I visited Cairo last September, and tried to meet Mrs Weinstein, but unfortunately time did not allow it. Mr. Tiegerman is about to be brought back to the limelight that he so richly deserves, and it is a great pleasure to see that so many of us still have so much love for Egypt, his adopted country. He was part of the rich Jewish culture that was alive in Egypt, and that is starting to reappear in recent writings in the Internet.
Please contact me if you have any information on Mr. Tiegerman. Regards to all.

Edmond Beniacar - 04/24/98 04:21:19
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Rue Port Said (ex Tigran) Alexandria
Presently Resident of: Sydney Australia
Comments:   A wonderful web site! Thank you for taking the time to put it together. Re: Sepahrims. I could not agree with you more. These precious items belong precisely where they were put in the first place. Brooklyn is not Alexandria, neither is it Cairo or anywhere else.
I have extremely fond memories of Eliahou Hannabi and Eliahou Hazzan Synagogues. They are an integral part of my youth and adolescence. No less than the Sepharim are the Aron Hakodesh and the buildings themselves, they constitute an inseparable whole.
It is my firm intention to visit Alexandria in the foreseeable future. It is important that I show my children the home of my youth, where I worshiped and, as limited as the attempt may be, try some reconstruction of the life and culture of Egypt's Jewish population. However, taking them into an Eliahou Hannabi devoid of any Sepahrim would be akin to walking into a building without soul. A Synagogue without it's Sepharim is little more than a structure which has more in common with a Pyramid than the living place where we, the Jews of Egypt, communed with one another and with Hashem. The obverse of the coin is that a Sepher from that same synagogue finding a home in Brooklyn becomes either a museum piece, or a Torah scroll which is no different from all other Torah scroll.
I doubt that any one would contradict my assersion that there are countless other Sepahrim from other Sephardi synagogues which are as elaborate and attractive as those found in Egypt. So what distinguishes one from the other?. What makes one more valuable than the other ? Surely material value does not enter into it ! The answer must be that there is no difference. The intrinsic value of the Egyptian Sepharim lies in their religious importance and, historically, in their location. These locations must undoubtedly stay in their original homes.
I would dearly love to have one of those Sepahrim located in one of Sydney's many Synagogues. It would be an unparalelled pleasure to hold it and read from it. However, even if one were offered to me tomorrow I would have to decline. the Sepharim belong in Egypt and it is the responsibility of all those who care for them to ensure they are provided for.
Edmond Beniacar
born Alexandria 1945, left 1963

Joseph Wahed - 04/24/98 03:03:12
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: rue Mourad Bey, Heliopolis
Presently Resident of:: San Francisco
Comments:   I find this web site and the articles in it, very enriching and informative. Since leaving Egypt in 1952, I remained hungry for details of my ancestry, my roots and what nationality I was. Unfortunately, I am stil confused!
Two years ago I visited Egypt for the first time in 45 years. It was an emotional experience. I loved every minute, and for the first time in years, felt "at home". I saw the place of my birth in Heliopolis, met old friends and spoke Arabic to the ordinary people in the street.

Maurice Ekinazi - 04/24/98 00:50:13
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Immobilia, Cairo
Presently Resident of:: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Comments:   I would like to congratulate you on the website. I just came back from Egypt less than a month ago. During my visit to Ismailiah Synagogue on Adly Street after 40 years, I had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Weinstein, and see that the synagogue is still there, and being taken care of. I was disappointed, though, to find out that there is no Minian even on Shabbat.
By the way, my grandfather Moussa Echkinazi was the person in charge of the cemetery for many years. I think that this was in the 1930s.
Keep the good work and, again, congratulations.

Clément Dassa - 04/15/98 20:30:57
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: 68 El Nouzha, Heliopolis
Presently Resident of:: Montreal, Canada
Comments:   I was deeply moved and surprised to find out that a substantial part of El Bassatine is still standing. I was told years ago that the whole cemetery was destroyed. I NEVER before heard of the whole controversy and events related by this web site! My father, the late Maurice (Moshe) Dassa is buried there (summer of 1955) and I am at a loss to find out if his grave is still around. Should anyone from the Jewish community care to do a Zakhout please let me know. I was a child when he died and visited his grave only once before leaving. It was close by a very rich mausoleum with a quotation of Ronsard I think "...elle a vecu ce que vivent les roses, l'espace d'un matin. It was in white marble with a very unique form: the top slab was like a curved scroll.
Clément Dassa

Ivor Epstein - 04/14/98 08:31:57
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Heliopolis
Presently Resident of:: Sydney, Australia
Comments:   Your efforts on the internet are most impressive. I wonder if you could help me trace details of my antecedents in Cairo. They were from the Bempechat, Abadee and Habert families of Cairo and Port Said. Is there any archival material anywhere in Cairo ? Next year we are planning a clan reunion of all the Bempechat descendents from all over the world.

Massoud Yallouz - 04/10/98 13:04:26
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Heliopolis,Cairo
Presently Resident of:: Rio de Janeiro,Brazil
Comments:   HAG SAMEACH to all members of Egypt's Jewish Community and a happy PESSAH. All the best to all.
Massoud Yallouz

Mark Eckman - 04/06/98 07:30:15
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Garden City, Cairo
Presently Resident of:: Vienna, Virginia, USA
Comments:   Dear Jewish Community of Cairo:
Reading your newsletter practically brought tears of joy to my eyes. You should send a cable (or at least e-mail) to the rest of the world and paraphrase Mark Twain, "Rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated."
I should tell you that I am a Jew who lived in Cairo for several years following the 1967 war.
In those days the rabbi of Adly Street Synagogue was a venerable gentleman named, I believe, Rabbi Douek. He must surely no longer be with us. I also visited the beautiful little synagogue in Maadi which then had a Jewish shammas who proudly showed all visitors a photo of his daughter, who had recently married in Brooklyn, NY.
I became friendly with Dr. Aldo Riso-Levy, who I believe was the last practicing Jewish physician in Egypt. He would have been born ca. 1910, I imagine, and so he too may have departed our midst. Do you know whether he remained in Egypt or emigrated?
I also recall two Jewish sisters, Esther and Renee Menache, both married to Moslems. Esther sometimes went by the name "Mona" and was married to one Fouad Kamel. Both women would now be in their late seventies, I think. Any news of them?
In the late Sixties there was still a kosher butcher open a few days a week in Abbassia (I think). I did not even try to keep kosher, so did not patronize his shop.
I lived in Garden City and retain two scant memories of former Jewish life there: a faded sign on a building indicating "Oratoire Israelite", and an ambulatory Coca Cola vendor whose metal cart had faded Hebrew lettering on it.
To my regret I never visited Bassatin Cemetery then or when I returned later as a tourist. I never met Mrs. Weinstein, but I am a great admirer. The Cairo Jewish community needs more outstanding people like her!
I could go on and on. Meanwhile, I wish you all a happy Pesach.(In the late Sixties, matzoh was distributed very furtively before Passover. The paranoia of the community in those days-- perhaps justified-- was enormous.) I suspect that Jews in Cairo can observe Jewish holidays much more openly now. Send me an e-mail if you get a chance.
Hag sameach wa kul al-sana wa intu tayibbin!
Mark Eckman

Samuel Grossman - 03/27/98 12:48:31
My Email:
Presently Resident of:: Shoham, Israel
Comments:   I like visiting your site and wish you every success in preserving the cultural and historical riches of the Eygptian Jewish Community.

Shaden El'Narsh - 03/19/98 15:12:00
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: Heliopolis, Cairo
Presently Resident of:: California, USA
Comments:   Hi,
I'm a Muslim Egyptian woman - born and raised in Cairo and now living in the US. I am writing to thank you so much for such an informative and eye-opening web site/electronic magazine. Growing up in Egypt, I didn't know any Jews and all I heard about was the conflict between "Arabs" and "Jews" and the wars between Egypt and Israel. It is very refreshing to learn about the once thriving, large Egyptian Jewish community, and what is being done today by the few remaining Jews in Egypt to keep the community alive. Keep up the excellent work.

Joseph Hakim - 03/09/98 22:20:34
My URL:http://no
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: 253 Avenue Prince Ibrahim - ALexandrie
Presently Resident of:: Jerusalem - Israel
Comments:   It's always with deep emotion that I find people from Egypt to share souvenirs from the time I was living in beautiful Alexandria. I hope that through the guest book I shall be happy to reach more of them! I shall welcome every message.
Good Luck in your work!

Victor Gabriel - 02/21/98 10:36:49
Comments:   A wonderful webpage. My grandfather's grandfather was a jew from Cairo. My grandfather was himself born in Alexanderia. Best wishes!

Elie Moreno - 02/10/98 19:04:35
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: 21 Soliman Pasha St. Cairo
Presently Resident of:: os Angeles ,California
Comments:   Very good job. I wasn't quite aware of all the efforts taking place in the restoration of the old sites until I read some of the back issues. Congratulations!!!

Avinoam Green - 01/24/98 10:54:26
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: AUC Hostel, Zamalek
Presently Resident of:: Philadelphia, USA
Comments:   I've been studying at AUC in Egypt since August. I went to the Adly Sreet synagogue just about every Friday Night and Saturday morning. Thank you for keeping it open to the public. It is a wonderful service that has been greatly appreciated.

Joseph Bentata - 01/24/98 04:11:57
My Email:
Last Address In Egypt: 47 Sharia El Falaki - Bab el Louk
Presently Resident of:: Melbourne Australia
Comments:   With my wife Aviva (nee Khayat) I had the pleasure, in 1988, to revisit Cairo, the "Grand Temple", the Lycee, Groppi, and many other reminders of our younger days.
We wish you well.

Robert J. Weiss - 01/16/98 08:56:21
My Email:
I am an architect, Engineer and Planner. For a number of years I was part of the group of inividuals dedicated to saving the cemetery. Ms. Weinstein and others associated with the cemetery will, I am sure, remember my involvemnt and the delightful dinners we shared together with government officials during my visits to Cairo.
I have lost touch with these inividuals. I would love to hear from Ms. Weinstein. I was reminded this Chanuka of gifts we exchanged on this same holiday 8-9 years ago when we worked together on the cemetery.
I was originally contacted and involved in this project as a result of the efforts by Rabbi Stern (of the Satmar Hassidic Community) to document the cemetery and to save it from the Ring Road Project. In the course of my work I used satellite imagery, and visited Bassatine on many occasions to photo document the cemetery. These activites occured before Carmen Weinstein's efforts to rebuild the wall began.
At the request of Havra Kadisha, and over a 2-year period, I authored various technical engineering reports presenting alternatives analyses and feasibility studies to the Ring Road Project. The findings of my reports were presented a few years ago to Egyptian and US government officials with the participation of Clemmont Soffer together with various Hassic Rabbis from Israel & the United States.
During a four-year period (1986-1990) I worked with Havra Kadisha (Rabbi Stern, Dr. Frishman and Clemmont Soffer and others) as a retained expert and consultant responsible for:
  • Documenting the existence of the cemetery, it's boundaries, cultural significance and importance to the world Jewish community;
  • Surveying the existence of Jewish graves with the help of Rabbi's associated with Havra Haisha (Israel and New York), the Egyptian government's engineeering staff. This work included a 2 week onsite excavation whose purpose was to prove the existence of graves deep below the ground surface of cemetery and to pinpoint the locations of graves to determine if pilings could be installled without disturbing graves. This work conducted under Rabbinic supervision, was led by myself.
  • Reporting findings, and recommendations.
    I am proud to have been a part of this effort and to have had the oppportunity to work with the other inividuals who brought great personal energy, financial resources and talent to conduct mitzvot in the course of saving the largest oldest continually used cemetery at al-Basatine.
    I would welcome hearing from anyone involved in this project.

    Ahmed M. El-Minawi MD - 01/16/98 08:50:49
    My Email:
    Presently Resident of:: Rochester, NY
    Comments:   I wish you a joyous Channukah and a wonderful New Year. Your website is very well done and I commend you on your truly Egyptian feelings.

    Thomas L. Puller - 01/12/98 12:51:09
    My Email:
    Last Address In Egypt: Zamalek - Cairo
    Presently Reside in: Vienna
    Comments:   Alf mabrouk to your wonderful page! It's good to now that you are there... Mazel tov!


    Issue 1  | Issue 2  | Issue 3  | Issue 4  | Issue 5  | Issue 6  | Issue 7  | Issue 8  |
    Issue 9  | Issue 10  | Issue 11  | Issue 12  | Issue 13  | Issue 14  | Issue 15  | Issue 16  |
    Issue 17  | Issue 18  | Issue 19  | Issue 20  | Issue 21  | Issue 22  | Issue 23  |
    Issue 24  | Issue 25  | Issue 26  | Issue 27  | Issue 28  | Issue 29  | Issue 30  | Issue 31  |
    Issue 32  | Issue 33  | Issue 34  | Issue 35  | Issue 36  | Issue 37  | Issue 38  |

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    C O N T A C T

    Jewish Community Council (JCC) of Cairo
    # 13 Sabil El Khazindar Street
    Midan al-Geish, Abbassia, Cairo

    tel: +20 2 2482-4613 - tel/fax +20 2 2736-9639
    mobile: 0122 2115915
    from outside Egypt call
    +20 122 2115915

    Shaar Hashamayim Synagogue @ 17 Adly Street, downtown Cairo
    open daily 10:00 to 15:00
    Friday 10:00 to 17:00
    Sunday closed

    Ben Ezra Synagogue in Fostat (Old Cairo)
    open daily 09:00 to 16:00

    For visits to other Cairo synagogues or Bassatine Cemetery contact JCC

    The JEWISH COMMUNITY COUNCIL of ALEXANDRIA (JCCA president: Youssef Ben Gaon) can be reached by email at:
    and by telephone on +20 3 484-6189 or +20 3 486-3974 or by ordinary mail at
    No. 69 Nebi Daniel Street, Alexandria, Egypt

    please note the Jewish Community Council of Alexandria is an independent entity separate from the Jewish Community Council of Cairo

    © Copyright Bassatine News
    editor: SWR
    Any commercial use of the data and/or content is prohibited
    reproduction of photos from this website strictly forbidden
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    technical feedback attn: webmaster